The system administrator assigns permissions for working with each category in Administration – CRM+ – Access Permissions.
You can select customer categories in the Categories field of the contractor and lead creation form.
After that, users with access permissions to the category can work with the customers (fig. 4).
Fig. 1. "Category List" object
Creating categories
To create a lead and contractor category, click Create on the Category List object page (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. "Category List" object. "Create" button
Fill in the required fields on the opened page (fig. 3) and click Save.
Fig. 3. Category creation form
Name * – name of the created category. This field is required.
Class Type – type of the created category:
Regular – to access an object with this category, the user has to have access permissions to the category. If the object has two categories (regular and required), and the user has no access to the required category, then the access permission to the regular category will be insufficient (see fig. 3).
Required – to access an object with this category, the user has to have access permissions to the category. If the object has two categories (regular and required), and the user does not have access to the regular category, then the access permission to the required category will be sufficient to access the object (see fig. 3).
Edit – view and edit the contractor page. To be able to delete the contractor page you need the respective access permissions.
These settings will function correctly, only if you have granted full access to the Administrators group. If the All Users groups also has full access to the CRM section, the system will not consider the categories settings (fig. 4) since all the system users will have access to contractors and leads.