add the Calendar portlet to the main page and click the portlet name.
The Calendar section is only available to users with the appropriate access permissions. The permissions are assigned by the system administrator in the Administration - Users - Access settings - Global access settings - Calendar - Access to the "Calendar" module. For more information on assigning access permissions, see the respective Help section.
You can see a user calendar in fig. 1.
Fig. 1. User calendar page
Calendar Page Left Menu
By default, the left menu (fig. 2) of the calendar page displays:
the calendar for the current month;
the last opened common calendars and calendars of other users (last five are displayed);
Click to open the drop-down menu, which allows you to quickly open your calendar (you can use it, if you are currently viewing a common calendar or another user's calendar) or the calendar access settings.
Fig. 4 illustrates the events display section on the calendar page.
Fig. 4. Events display section on the calendar page
Events Display.
1. To view a particular day, week and so on (depending on the selected calendar view mode) click or .
2. The working time fields (according to the business calendar) are white, non-working hours are grey, the current day is dark-yellow. You can schedule events for working and non-working time.
3. Current time is marked with a blue line with an arrow.
4. Events that last several days are displayed as a green stripe under the dates line.
5. Events can take place at the same time and/or in the same place.