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Report on document task compliance

This report displays the list of document-based tasks. The report shows the list of all the tasks, executors, due dates and task statuses. Documents are selected according to the specified parameters.

Generating a report

To generate a report on document task compliance, go to the Reports section and click Report on document task compliance (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Reports section. Report on document task compliance
On the opened page (fig. 2), specify the required parameters and click Show Report in the page toolbar.
Fig. 2. Parameters for generating a report
The switches Approval tasks, Acquaintance tasks, Decision tasks are available only if the ECM+ application is activated.
Decision authorselect the users, who made decisions on the documents. This field is available only if the ECM+ application is activated.
Created from, Created to – specify the period, within which the document-based tasks were created.
Registered from, Registered to – specify the period, within which the document was registered. This field is available only if the ECM+ application is activated.
Fig. 3 shows an example of the Report on document task compliance.
Fig. 3. A report on document task compliance
The report page contains the Parameters unit and a data table.
When you click on the Parameters unit, the form for specifying parameters opens (fig. 2). If necessary, you can change the parameters and click Show Report. The data in the report will be updated and the page will display a new report according to the specified parameters.
The data in the table are grouped by documents. The bottom left corner of the table contains statistics on the total number of documents and tasks.
When you click on a document name, its page opens. When you click on a task name, its page opens. When you click on a user name a dialog box with the information about the user opens.
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