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GET Requests

The GET method is the easiest way to start a business process from an external system. All you need to do is configure a link of the following type:
Fig. 1. HTTP-GET request method used to start a business process in ELMA.
The standard /Processes/ProcessHeader/RunByWebQuery/ path is added to the server address. After the last '/', specify the request parameters. The first thing that you have to include is the business process token. Basically, if you have a correct address and token, the link can already be used to start a business process. In this case, the process will start with default settings. This means that the result will be exactly the same as when the process is started in ELMA Web Application.
If you want to specify certain additional parameters of the business process, list them in the link after the token. The parameters are separated from the token with a question mark (?); parameters are separated from each other with an ampersand (&). They are written in the following way: Parameter_Name=Parameter_Value.
You can then use this link from any device. The simplest way is to type it in the address bar of your browser.
An example of a GET request:
The request above will start a business process with the 995ea844-74a8-413b-96be-bc92462eff85 token, on the ELMA server located at The process will have some specific parameters. Before execution, the following four variables will be added to its context: Name, Surname, Age, Partner.
Only a process with a correct token and the From external and Web Request (GET) options enabled in the Process Start Versions section can be started with a GET request (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Publication settings that enable GET requests.
The HTTP GET request method only communicates those parameters that are specified as strings: integers and fractions, text, dates and object IDs. Graphic images, files and other similar parameters cannot be sent through HTTP-GET request method.
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