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License Types

There are four types of licenses in ELMA:
1. Named licenses limit the number of unlocked system users;
2. Concurrent licenses limit the number of users, who work in the system simultaneously;
3 Time-limited licenses limit the period during which a system module or component can be used. When  this period is over, the access to  the module or component is revoked;
Named licenses are usually used for ELMA Platform and applications. You can activate concurrent licenses in the Standard and Enterprise editions. When switching from named to concurrent licenses and back you must restart the server to apply the changes.
User License
General information on the user licenses is displayed on the Administration home page in the License Information section (fig. 1). The detailed information is in Administration – System – Components.
Fig. 1. Administration home page. Number of user licenses
Each system user requires a user license. To unbind a license, you can lock a user (fig. 2). Locked users cannot sign in to the system and are not displayed in dropdown lists on task forms.
Fig. 2. Administration – Users. User profile
Concurrent license type
General information on concurrent licenses is displayed in Administration – Home Page – License Information unit (fig. 3), detailed information can be found in Administration – System – Component.
Fig. 3. Administration – Home Page
Concurrent licenses are divided into standard (similar to named licenses, but not tied to specific user accounts) and privileged. Standard licenses are for the users, who have at least one active session and are not included in the group "Privileged sign in to ELMA". Privileged licenses are for the users included in the group "Privileged sign in to ELMA". The number of  "Privileged sign in to ELMA" group users cannot exceed the number of named licenses. The global system administrator does not occupy a license.
“User Authentication Sessions” Section
To access the User Authentication Sessions section, go to Administration home page and click Active users in the Users section (fig. 4) or click the Active users button in Administration – Users (fig. 5).
Fig. 4. Administration home page. Active users.
Fig. 5. Administration – Users. Active users button.
The User Authentication Sessions section displays information on registered user sessions (fig. 6):
Active sessions are marked with a green circle in the list. When a certain amount of time passes since the last response, an active session is suspended. A suspended session is marked with a grey circle. The amount of time, after which a session gets suspended is defined in the Security settings section.
Fig. 6. User Authorization Sessions.
Clicking the button, to the left of the IP address deletes the session, opened from this IP address. Clicking the button to the left of the user name deletes all the user’s sessions.
Time-limited licenses
A time-limited license limits the period during which a system module or component can be used. When  this period is over, the access to  the module or component is revoked.
Information on a time-limited license is displayed in the list of components in Administration – System – Components. The component's description will feature the expiration date (fig. 7).
Fig. 7. Description of a component with time-limited description
If the time-limited license is expired, it will be written in red (fig. 8), and users will not be able to access the component.
Fig.8. Description of a component with an expired license
Seven days prior to license expiration, all users included in the Administrators group will receive a notification about it. If the licenses of several components are expiring in one day, they will be all included in one notification. This notification is generated from a template and includes the list of modules, number of days left till expiration. The notification is not sent on the day of expiration.
Fig.8. License expiration notification
The BPM.Expiration.xml notification template is stored in ../ <ELMA system folder>/UserConfig/Notifications. You can modify it as well as change the list of users who receive the notification. .
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