In the Outgoing Mail unit, you can configure sending email notifications to the system users.
Fig. 1. Outgoing Mail Settings.
The Send a test mail to the current user button allows you to test the email sending function. In case of an error, the system displays an error message. If the email is successfully sent, a box with the "The mail is successfully sent" message opens.
To edit the unit parameters, click the
button, to the right of the unit header.
Fig. 2. Parameters editing window of the "Outgoing Mail" unit.
The Send E-Mail Notifications parameter defines, whether to use the email sending function.
In the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) field, enter the domain name or IP address of the outgoing mail server.
In the Port Number (25 by default) field, enter the port, the server uses for processing SMTP requests.
In the Charset field, you can select the charset, used for formatting email by ELMA system.
In the Connection Protection field you can define whether to use encryption when connecting to the outgoing mail server and what encryption type will be used (SSL, TLS).
The Server with Authentication parameter defines whether authentication on the outgoing mail server is necessary. If Yes is selected, two more fields will be added: Username and Password, used for identification and authentication of the email sender.
Fig. 3. Server with Authentication additional parameters.
Sender's Name - the name, inserted before the sender's address in the From field.
Sender's Mailbox - the email address, inserted in the From field.
Prefix in Message Subject - this prefix is used when generating the email subject. For example, if the [ELMA] prefix is used, then if a new task is assigned, its executor will receive an email with the subject [ELMA] You are assigned to a new task.
Header in message body – add a header to the message body that will specify the subject, the URL of the task and the message author.
Separator for Message Signature separates the main text from the signature in the email body.
Data format in the signature for systems messages
HTML-signature – signature is specified in HTML;
Text signature – signature is specified as a simple text.
Signature in Message body - signature, which completes the email body.
HTML signature in messages –
HTML signature at the end of the email. This field provides an HTML editor to create a text.
Mail Sending Timeout (In Seconds) - is the time, during which the ELMA server waits for a response from the mail server. If there is no response from the mail server, when the time is out, ELMA server considers, that the mail server is unavailable and the email will not be sent.
Maximum mail attachment size (MB) – maximum total size of files, attached to an email. If the maximum size is exceeded, then the email will be sent without attachments.
If the total size of email attachments exceeds the value specified in the Maximum mail attachment size (MB) field, then the email will be sent without attachments.
You can see an example of an incoming mail in fig. 4. The mail format can be changed in the user profile.
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