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User Groups

User Groups are users, grouped for managing their access permissions to ELMA objects. This allows you to avoid configuring the system for each user individually.
You can create user groups in several ways:
When you add/delete a user group in ELMA Designer, it will be added/deleted from the list in Web Application. It works both ways, i.e. when you add/delete a group in Web Application, it will be added/deleted from the list of groups in ELMA Designer. To learn more about user groups in ELMA Designer, see the respective Help section.
There are the following user group types in ELMA:
A group can include:
To create a new group, click the Add Group button in the Groups section. To learn more about adding groups in Web Application, see the respective Help section.
When you click a group name, this group's page opens.
In Administration – Users – Groups, there is the button, to the right of each group . Click this button to edit the group members. To learn more about editing the group members, see the respective Help section.
In Administration – Users – Groups there it the button, to the right of each user group. Click this button, to delete a group. To confirm deleting in the opened dialog box, click Yes.
See also:
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