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Cache Recalculation Actions

You can manage cache recalculation actions of the process monitor in Administration – System – Process Monitor (fig. 1). Cache recalculation is intended for fixing the system performance issues. High load of the process monitor cache is defined as the result of the system diagnostics.
If the system performance is not satisfactory (e.g. pages load too slowly), you may need to clear the partial recalculations queue and the cache. This allows reducing the number of partial recalculations, which cause high system load, and thus increasing the system performance (e.g. faster pages loading).
The Manage cache recalculation actions (fig. 1) displays the list of processes and their actions, pending recalculation (e.g. the number of active process tasks or current process instances). Note, that this page is not supposed to display many actions - it would mean, that the system is overloaded. In this case, execute full cache recalculation.
Fig. 1. Administration – System – Process Monitor
All the current actions on cache recalculation are displayed in the data table. The table contains the following data:
There are several types of recalculation in the system:
Note, that you can select only one recalculation type (partial/full) to use in automatic mode.
The Manage cache recalculation actions page displays a notification after each cache recalculation (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. "Manage cache recalculation actions" page. Notification on the last cache recalculation

Toolbar buttons

Partial cache recalculation – update the data in the table. Cache is not fully cleared.
Clear the partial recalculations queue and the cache. When you click this button, a dialog box opens (fig. 3) with a notification, that this operation may take a while. To start recalculation, click Yes.
Fig. 3. Background task start notification
Note, that during the full recalculation, the system performance drops significantly. We recommend using full recalculation:
  • no more than once a day;
  • during non-working hours;
  • only if the standard partial recalculations are not efficient enough.

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