Send Date *– date and time of sending the mail. Note, that the mail will not be sent automatically at the specified time. The user will be notified that it is time to send mail. The field is required.
Priority – displays the priority.
Contractor – the contractor to send the mail to. By default, the contractor, from whose page you create mail is selected. When you click on the contractor name, its page opens. When you create a relationship in the Calendar, the Contractor field is absent. Instead, there is the To field, where you have to select the recipient type (contractor, contact, lead) and its name.
Contacts – the contacts of the contractor. By default, the list of all the contractor's contacts is shown. To select a contact, check the box to the left. If the contractor has no contacts, this field will not be displayed. When you create a relationship in the Calendar, the Contacts field is absent. Instead, there is the To field, where you have to select the recipient type (contractor, contact, lead) and its name.
Deal – the deals of the current contractor. When you create mail from a deal page this field is filled in automatically. This field can be hidden if the contractor has no deals. When creating a relationship in the Calendar, the Deal field is absent.
Description – a description of the relationship.
Creating a meeting
To create a meeting from the CRM section, click Actions - Create Meeting in the toolbar of an object (e.g. contractor) page (fig. 1).
On the opened page (fig. 3), fill in the required fields and click Save.
Fig. 3. Meeting creation page
Most of the fields are the same as for creating mail. Some fields are unique:
Start Date *– date and time when the meeting begins. This field is required.
All day long – if you check this box you cannot select the meeting start and end time.
End Date *– date and time when the meeting ends. This field is required.
Specify the time later – if you check this box, you can specify the start and end time after creating the meeting, on its editing page.
Calendars – add the meeting to a shared calendar. To select a shared calendar, check its box.
The toolbar of the page contains the Common Calendars button (if the user has the respective access permissions). When you click on this button, the page for creating a meeting will display the Calendars field with the calendars, available to the current user.
Specifying the meeting time
If you check the Specify time later box, the relationship page (fig. 4) and the calendar page (fig. 5) will display ??:??.
Fig. 4. Meeting page
Note that the created meeting will be set to the beginning of the business day in the calendar (according to the company's business calendar).