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Item UID

Each item of the process graphic model has a UID.
A UID is used for accessing items of a process graphic model in scripts. To find its value, mouse over the Name field on the Common tab of the item page (fig.1).
To copy a UID to the clipboard, click it with the left mouse button.
The UID, copied in this way, can be inserted to a process script to access the process item. For example, to find a task, the following code can be used:
Guid taskGiud = new Guid("b9cbe920-49fa-4419-8925-2a86fff13613");
var task = EleWise.ELMA.Tasks.Managers.TaskManager.Instance.LoadOrNull(taskGiud);
, where "b9cbe920-49fa-4419-8925-2a86fff13613" is the UID, copied to the clipboard.
Fig. 1. Task settings. Item UID.
Each item of a process graphic model has a UID:
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