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Examples of EQL-queries

An EQL-search form is shown in fig. 1.
Fig. 1. EQL-search form
To the right of the form name, you can see one of the following icons:
– correctly composed EQL-query;
– EQL-query contains errors.
If you press enter on this form, a prompt appears (fig. 2), which contains all the available object properties to search among. You can select the required object to insert it.
Fig. 2 shows the EQL-query form in the CRM section.
Fig. 2. EQL-search form. Editor prompt
To execute the query, click Find or press Enter.
1. Using parentheses. Search contractors from a particular region, whose names include "LTD" or "JSC". This query will look like that (fig. 3):
Fig. 3. EQL-query
2. AND operator. Search contractors, whose names include "Jefferson", "Brian".
Name LIKE ’%Jefferson%’ AND Name LIKE ’%Brian%’
3. OR operator. Search contractors, whose names include "LTD" or "JSC".
Name LIKE ’%LTD%’ OR Name LIKE ’%JSC%’
4. NOT operator. Search contractors, whose names don't include "LTD" or "JSC".
NOT (Name LIKE ’%LTD%’ OR Name LIKE ’%JSC%’)
5. Equal to = operator. Search contractors, the current user is responsible for.
Responsible = CurrentUser()
6. Not equal to <> operator. Search contractors, the current user is not responsible for.
Responsible <> CurrentUser()
7. Less than < / Greater than > operator. Search contractors, whose annual income is more than 1000000.
AnnualIncome > 1000000
8. IS EMPTY operator. Search contractors, without contacts.
Contacts IS EMPTY
9. IS NULL operator. Search contractors, whose Annual Income field is empty.
AnnualIncome IS NULL
10. IN operator. Search contractors, created by the current user or the user with ID=1.
CreationAuthor in (CurrentUser(), 1)
11. LIKE operator. Search contractors, whose names include "LTD".
Name LIKE ’%LTD%’
12. from ... select ... where ... operators. Get the list of contacts of postponed deals for the current user.
Contractor in (from Sale select Contractor where Contractor = parent.Contractor and SaleStatus in (Enum('Postponed'))) and Contractor in (Responsible = CurrentUser())
See also:
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