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Execution Queue

The Execution Queue section allows monitoring processes, which are being handled by the process execution service, and shows execution errors.
This subsection is available only for those users, who has access to manage the process execution queue. These access permissions are assigned by the system administrator in Administration – Users – Access Settings – Global Access Settings – Processes – Allow to manage the execution queue.
If an error occurs during the execution of a process instance, error logs will be saved here. The system retries to execute an operation nine times. The Process Execution Queue saves the information about a failed attempt. To fix the bug, you need to modify the business process model and start forced execution of the process operation.
Figure 1 shows the Execution Queue section.
Fig. 1. Execution Queue section. Current Operations
The Execution Queue section consists of two subsections: Current Operations and Errors:
Fig. 2. Execution Queue section. Errors
The Execution Queue section contains a table with the following columns:
Each table row contains with the Execute button next to the Status column (fig. 3). When you click this button, the system force-executes the process operation.
Fig. 3. Execution Queue subsection. Context menu button
The context menu of the timer events allows you to change the scheduled start time or interrupt the timer  (Fig. 4). If an error occurs during the timer execution, only the Interrupt Timer option will be available.
Fig. 4.Timer context menu
Each operation displayed in this section has one of the following statuses:
If an error occurs in a process, the Last Execution column will contain the icon . Clicking on this icon will open a dialog box (fig. 5), with full information about the error.
Fig. 5. Error information dialog box

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