configure main time report parameters;
configure access to time reports management;
fill in the Activity Type object, used for grouping time reports.
Main Time Report Parameters
You can configure the main time report parameters in Administration – System – System Settings or Administration – Basic Applications – Tasks – Time Report, Time Report unit (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. "Time Report" unit
To edit parameters, click the
Fig. 2. Time report parameters editing window
Allow to create time reports – activate time reports in the system.
Add time report limits – forbid submitting more hours than planned. If a user attempts to submit a time report with overtime, the system will display a notification, that the time report limit is exceeded. To submit the time report with overtime, the submitted time must be equal to the planned time.
The report items, where the fact time is more than the plan time are displayed on pink background in the time report and in the Approval section. If this setting and the setting
Limit submittable time if the task reoccurs are enabled simultaneously in the settings of user tasks within business processes, the system allows you to limit the amount of time report for the same process task which can be executed for the second time in one business process instance.
Time report must be submitted within (days) – allows limiting time reports for past dates. When this parameter is enabled, users will not be able to submit time reports, which go beyond the specified number of days. To disable the limit, enter "0" in this field.
Limit daily time reports (hours) – allows limiting the number of daily time report hours. When this parameter is enabled, the users will not be able to submit time reports, with more hours, than the limit allows. To disable the limit, enter "0" in this field.
Require a comment when rejecting a time report – if a time report is rejected, the approver has to state the reason of rejection.
Notify about new approval tasks – send a message about a new time report approval task to the messages section of the approver.
Notify about approval results – send a message with the approval result to the messages section of the user, who submitted the time report.
Notify when time reports are edited – send a message, that the submitted time report has been edited to the messages section of the submitter and approver.
Number of items in time report per day – the default number of items, available in a time report.
Time report grouping – select how time report items added from a task time report log will be grouped in the time report.
No grouping – in this case, each item is submitted as a separate row in the table (fig. 3);
Fig. 3. Time report. Items of the task time report log when No grouping is selected
Group by days - in this case, all the items of the task time report log for one day a grouped in one row (fig. 4);
Fig. 4. Time report. Items of the task time report log when Group by days is selected
Group by weeks - in this case, all the items of the task time repot log for one week are grouped in one row and added to the first business day of the week (fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Time report. Items of the task time report log when Group by weeks is selected
Prohibit to submit time reports on completed tasks - with this option enabled, users will not be able to submit time reports on tasks that have been completed. To enable this option, the Add time report limits option must also be enabled.
When a user will try to submit a time report on a completed task, they will see a notification (fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Applying the "Prohibit to submit time reports on completed tasks" settings
Users who are notified if an error occurs when automatically sending time reports for approval – select users who will receive notifications about system errors when time reports are automatically sent for approval. You can select a user, a group of users or an organizational structure item. Selected users will be notified only about system errors that took place due to some technical factors, such database unavailability. Such errors are not related to any user actions or time report submission. The detailed error log is stored in the directory ../<ELMA system folder>/Web/logs. By default, no user is selected.
Users who don't have time report submission due date – select users who will be allowed to submit time reports regardless the option Time report must be submitted within (days). You can select a user, a group of users or an organizational structure item.
Execution start date – set the day and time when a scheduler should start executing task. Note, that you can select a past date as a start date. In this case, the scheduler will run the task at the next scheduled interval (next day, next week or next month).
Submit time reports every... – in a drop down list, select the interval for repeating the scheduler task. The following options are available:
You might need to specify additional settings, if you select certain options mentioned above.
Single start – time reports will be submitted once.
Every day – time reports will submitted daily at the specified time (fig. 7).
Fig. 7. Time Report Settings Window. Setting the interval for submitting time reports.
Working days only –select yes, if you want time reports to be submitted only on working days in accordance with the business calendar.
Every week – time reports will be submitted weekly. You may also select a day of the week when you want time reports to be sent (fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Time Report Settings Window. Setting the interval for submitting time reports.
Every N-th week (1, 2, 3, ..) – set time interval for the task in weeks. For example, if you enter "1", the task will be executed every week, if you enter "2" - the task will be repeated every two weeks.
Days of week – select those days of week when you want the task to be executed.
· Every month – time reports will be submitted automatically monthly in accordance with the additional settings (fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Time Report Settings Window. Setting the interval for submitting time reports.
Select Start Day – a drop-down list with two options:
· Month day – a task will be executed on working and non-working days;
· Month working day – a task will be executed only on working days in accordance with the business calendar.
Depending on the option the you select, one of the following settings will be applied:
Month day (1-31) – a day of a month when a task will be executed. This setting becomes available when you select Month day option.
Month working day – a working day of a month when a task will be executed. This setting becomes available when you select Month working day option.
Start month – select those month when the task will be executed.
Time Report Access Settings
You can configure access to time report items in the Tasks section in Administration - Users - Access Settings - Global Access Settings (fig. 7).
Fig. 10. Administration - Users - Access Settings - Global Access Settings - Tasks
This section includes the following time report permissions:
Time Reports Administration - user groups with full access to all the time reports in the system. In Time Reports - Reports, All filter, they can see time reports of all the users and perform any actions with them, including rejecting approved time reports.
Require time reports - user groups, who have to add time reports, when executing tasks. These users cannot mark a task as completed, until they add a time report to it.
Edit the "Shared Filters" tree of the "Time Report" section - user groups with permissions to edit the shared filters tree in the Tasks - Time Reports section.
To grant a user access permissions to time reports:
add the security group to the list of groups, whose members have respective permissions, with the Add Groups button (fig. 8).
The system base configuration includes security groups for Personal Time Reports Approval, Time Reports Administration, Require time reports with the same name.
Fig. 11. Administration - Users - Access Settings - Global Access Settings - Tasks. "Add Groups" button
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