Help ELMA BPM Platform

Starting the Application

The Configuration Management application supports only MS SQL DBMS (i.e. ELMA Standard or Enterprise editions working with MS SQL).
Only users included in the Administrators group can run the application. If a user account is synchronized with LDAP, you should enter the LDAP account credentials to authorize in the Configuration Management application.
To start the Configuration Management app, run the file EleWise.ELMA.BPM.Nullifier.exe, located in the ELMA installation directory, the Designer folder. The Configuration Management application must be installed.
The first start of the application can take a while.
To start this application, you must stop the main ELMA web server.
When starting the application, its start screen opens (fig. 1), where you need to select or add the required configuration and click Go To.
Fig. 1. Start screen of the Configuration Management app
After selecting a configuration, the authentication window will open (fig. 2), where you need to enter the ELMA user login and password and click ОК.
Fig. 2. Authentication window
After signing in, the application window will open (fig. 2). It includes several tabs: MenuObjectsActions. On these tabs, you can make changes to configurations.
Fig. 3. Configuration Management app. Objects tab
Note, that if you attempt to sign in as a user, who is not included in the Administrators group, a respective notification will be shown. The application will not be started. Click ОК and sign in as the system administrator.

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