Working in Script Builder
If you want to use Script Builder to create a script, take the following steps when adding a script. In the Script Builder for ELMA Beta dialogue box click Open Script Builder (Fig. 1). Then, type the script name in the Add Script dialogue box. Click OK (Fig. 2). To name a script you can use English letters, digits, and the underscore. A script name must start with a letter.
Fig. 1. Script Builder for ELMA Beta dialogue box
Fig. 2. Add Script dialogue box
Fig. 3. Script Builder interface
To edit a script, created in the script builder, open the
Scripts tab of a process page and double-click on the script. The script builder interface will open (fig. 3)
Scripts created in the script builder are marked with the
You cannot open scripts created in the
script editor in the script builder.
Add selection box
Fig. 4. Add selection box
When you click on the Add selection box, a drop-down list opens. It offers all the available variables and/or operations (Fig. 5). This list may vary according to the operation, to which the Add box belongs. Left-click on a variable/operation to select it.
Fig. 5. Drop-down list of the Add selection box
Adding operations
You can add an operation directly to the work pane or inside of another operation.
There are several ways to add an operation:
1. Drag-n-drop: grab the desired operation (by clicking and holding the left mouse button) and drag it to the selection box. When you drag the element, the selection box is highlighted yellow (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Script Builder interface. Drag-n-drop technique used to add an operation
2. The Add selection box. Click on the Add selection box and select the desired operation from the drop-down list (Fig. 7). The list of available operations varies depending on where you want to add the operation.
Fig. 7. Script Builder. Selecting an operation in the Add selection field
3. When you place the mouse pointer between operation blocks in the work pane, or inside of another operation, the pointer turns into the plus icon:
. The selected space will be highlighted yellow (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Script Builder. Adding an operation between operation boxes
Deleting operations
There are two ways to delete an operation.
1. Right-click on the operation box and select the Delete option from the provided context menu (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Script Builder. Deleting an operation
2. Left-click to select the desired operation box and press Delete on your keyboard.
Working with variables
Fig. 10. Script Builder. Side panel. Variables tab
The variables on this tab are divided into two groups:
Local variables are the ones created and used only in the current script;
Context variables are the context variables of the process, to which the current script belongs.
In Script Builder you can create or delete the local variables only.
Creating a local variable
There are two ways to create a local variable:
click Add at the top of the Variables tab and select Add Variable (Fig. 11);
Fig. 11. Side toolbar. Variables tab. Add - Add Variable button
Fig. 12. Drop-down list of the Add selection field. Add Variable
In the provided window (Fig. 13), fill in the required fields and click Create.
Fig. 13. Script Builder. Creating a new variable
Displayed Name - name of the variable;
Link Type – type of link between objects.
All the fields are required.
Deleting local variables
To delete a variable, select it in the Variables section of the side panel and click the Delete button located at the top of the Variables section.
Adding actions
You can add an action from ELMA into your script (e.g., comment a document or change a project stage).
To add such an action to the script, click on the Add selection box and select Add Action from the drop-down list (Fig. 14).
Fig. 14. Drop-down list of the Add selection box. Add Action option
You will see a list where actions are divided into groups (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15. Script Builder. Adding an activity
Select the group and then select the required action. The action wizard will open (Fig. 16);
Fig. 16. Script Builder. Action wizard
Fill in all the required fields. The fields and number of steps may vary according to the type of action you are adding. To go to the next step, click Next. To return to the previous step, click Back. To finish, click Create. The action will be added to the work pane of Script Builder (Fig. 17).
Fig. 17. Example of an action added to Script Builder
Creating objects
You can use a script to create a system object in ELMA.
For this, do the following:
The Create Object operation will be added to the work pane of Script Builder (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21. Create Object operation in Script Builder
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