A filter in ELMA is a saved set of advanced object search parameters. You can create filters for those objects, that can be searched, such as tasks, processes, contractors, time reports and projects.
Let's take a look at the filters and use the CRM module as an example.
Each subsection of the CRM module contains a filter tree on the left panel (fig. 1). It displays filters, created in this subsection. To apply a filter, click on its name. The page will show the respective search results.
The filter tree displays those filters, the current user has access to.
The standard filter tree has the following structure:
All - cancel all the filters. The page will display all the objects in the section.
My Filters – filters, created by the current user. Only this user can use these filters.
Shared Filters – filters, available to all the users. Only the users with respective access can add filters to the Shared Filters folder. The access is assigned in Administration - Access Settings - CRM - General Settings - Edit shared filter tree.
You can structure the filter tree and place filters to folders.