
List of critical changes in version 3.13.24

Critical changes

User Interface Changes

When reassigning a task, only the new executor can see the navigation buttons in the Rich message. The user from whom the task was reassigned is sent a message without navigation buttons, that is, this user cannot make a decision in the task.     

Web API changes 

Implemented a method to receive users’ free time. When calculating, the method takes into account the user's business calendar, work schedule, as well as scheduled events for the specified time period. The method is available at: ~/PublicAPI/REST/EleWise.ELMA.Calendar/Calendar/GetAvailableTimeSlots. Description of the method: ~/API/Help/Service?uid=ee107e02-e151-43b6-8951-4ba0fd8cad1e.

Public API changes 

Implemented a method to receive users’ free time. When calculating, the method takes into account the user's business calendar, work schedule, as well as scheduled events for the specified time period. The method is available in PublicAPI.Services.AvailableTimeSlotsService.GetIntervals (IEnumerable<User> users, IEnumerable<TimeSlot> timeSlots).    

Changes in models and managers  

  1. Sorting has been added to the method of binary search for intersections in calendars. 
  2. In the algorithm for calculating users' free time, accounting for periods of absence of users has been added. Thus, the user free time search method returns free time intervals for a specified period, taking into account the absence of users in the workplace.   
  3. Implemented processing of substitution rules for executors and controllers of KPI data collection tasks.  


Now you can change the name of the Filter portlet that is in the public domain for an individual user. If a user changed the name of the portlet when editing the general settings page on which it is located, the changes are not to be applied to the Filter portlet personally configured by users.

Categories of contractors and leads

Unit tests for assigning and recalculating access permissions to contractor and lead categories have been added.  

Configuration management

Implemented access to the Configuration Management application for all users in the Administrators group. Users imported and/or synchronized with LDAP must use the login and password of the external authentication module account to authorize in the application.       


  1. The Project settings button is hidden in the project page template.
  2. The connection of tasks of an external subprocess with a project associated with an instance of the parent process has been implemented. When starting a process from a project plan (using the BP launch task), an instance of an external subprocess will be associated with the same project as the parent.     
  3. For transitions between stages of the project life cycle, the Restore as a draft action is implemented. This action allows you to assign a project with the Completed status the draft


Implemented permission verification for attachments. If you try to download an attachment to a task for which the user does not have access permissions via a direct link, an access error message will be displayed.

Major changes

  1. Token authentication mechanism has changed. The authorization token has a 1-hour lifetime. Also, the token lifetime can be configured in the config file. If a secret session when authentication has been agreed, only signed requests will be processed.    
  2. A unique toolbar id is implemented for each user page.
  3. T reboot can be used in the diagnostics module now.
  4. Implemented project name uniqueness verification when creating a project. Creating in the system two or more projects with the same name is impossible. If you try to create a project with a name that duplicates the name of an existing project, an error message will be displayed.      
  5. When editing a project page template, the settings apply to projects of this type created after saving the settings. Personal settings of the project page are carried out directly on the project page.
  6. The caching of the GetImportProgressInfo method during bulk import has been moved to the global cache.