
Using Redis cache in ELMA

System requirements

  1. ELMA 3.9.22, 3.10.12, 3.11.2 or higher
  2. At least three Redis cache cluster servers with Unix OS (Linux, OSX, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and derived OS).

Installing a Redis package on the Ubuntu OS as an example

In general, the installation procedure is as follows:

  1. Updating the information on available software (repository).

sudo apt-get update

  1. Installing redis-server.

sudo apt install redis-server

  1. Checking service availability.

service redis-server status (if necessary, start service redis-server start).

Check if it is possible to connect to the service

  1. Start the control console redis-cli.


Command line view will change to>.

  1. Enter ping, after that the PONG value will be returned:>ping


  1. Enter exit or press Ctrl+C to exit the redis-cli console.

Assembling and installing a Redis package

This configuration option is recommended for experienced users only.

You can download the latest version of Redis from the official website: https://redis.io/download (use the Stable version).

Generally, the 'make' command is used for assembling.

Installation guide (Ubuntu 14/16 is used as an example).

1. Install additional packages, required for assembling a Redis package. In case of Ubuntu, those are build-essentials and tcl 8.5 (or higher):

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install build-essential
  • sudo apt-get install tcl8.5

2. Download the Redis package to any folder (e.g. /home/<user>). You can do it manually or with a command:

wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-stable.tar.gz (get a URL on the page https://redis.io/download).

3. Unzip the package (the name of the downloaded package may be different):

tar xzf redis-stable.tar.gz

4. Open the folder with the unzipped package (the name may also be different):
cd redis-stable

5. Assemble the package using the command:

6. Check the assembled package using the command:
make test

7. Install the package and register it for running, consequently using the commands:
make install
cd utils
(this command is interactive; when requesting parameters you can use default values).

After running these commands, the binary files redis-cli and redis-server will be installed to /usr/local/bin. Additionally, the service with the parameters specified in install_server.sh will be registered.

8. To start the service, use the command:
sudo service redis_6379 start (the server name may be different, depending on the values, specified in the install_server.sh command; to stop the service, type 'stop' instead of 'start').

Configuring the Redis cluster

Official documentation is available here: https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial 
Official documentation on configuring a high-availability solution: https://redis.io/topics/sentinel 
Unofficial (simplified cluster with one master): https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-a-redis-cluster-on-ubuntu-14-04 

Simplified configuration option

The first server is Master, the second and consequent are Slave.

Configuration involves editing the /etc/redis/redis.conf file on each server:

  • Make the server available for all the IP addresses of this server:

bind (In this case, it makes the Redis service available for external addresses) 

  • Disable data backup copying to the disk (to ensure maximum performance). To do so:
    • comment out all the lines starting with 'save' (e.g. #save 900 1).
    • set appendonly no

To configure Master:

  • Set the parameter:

tcp-keepalive  60

  • Set the Master access password:

requirepass your_redis_password

  • If necessary, set the used memory limit (upon reaching the threshold, some values will be removed depending on the maxmemory-policy strategy, defined in the parameter):

maxmemory <bytes> (specify the maximum volume in bytes or leave the line commented)

maxmemory-policy volatile-lru (or another value, specified in the comments in this file)

maxmemory-policy noeviction (if using a limit is not required)

To configure Slave:

  • Specify the Slave access password (for the correct functioning of ELMA, specify the same password, as for the Master):

requirepass your_redis_password

  • Specify the Master address and port:

slaveof your_redis_master_ip 6379

  • Specify the Master password:

masterauth your_redis_password

Restart all the servers (first Master, then Slaves):

sudo service redis_6379 restart

Configuration settings in ELMA

  1. In <configSections>, add:
    <section name="RedisCacheProviderSettings" type="EleWise.ELMA.Cache.Redis.RedisCacheProviderSettings, EleWise.ELMA.Cache.Redis"/>
    <section name="cacheService" type="EleWise.ELMA.Configuration.GenericProviderFeatureSection`1[[EleWise.ELMA.Cache.CacheServiceManager, EleWise.ELMA.SDK]], EleWise.ELMA.SDK" />​​
  2. In the root <configuration> add a settings block (with the list of Redis cache machine names and their access passwords):
    <cacheService defaultProvider="Redis">
          <clear />
          <add name="Redis" type="EleWise.ELMA.Cache.Redis.ElmaCacheService, EleWise.ELMA.Cache.Redis "/>
    <RedisCacheProviderSettings connectionString="machine1:6379,machine2:6379,machine3:6379,password=your_redis_password" />​​