
List of critical changes in version 3.12.29

Critical changes


  1. These methods in EleWise.ELMA.Web.Mvc.Html.Grids.DynamicGridBuilder are marked as outdated:
    RowStyle (Expression<Func<T, HtmlStyle>> configurator)
    RowClass (Expression<Func<T, string>> configurator)
    RowHtmlAttributes (Expression<Func<T, object>> configurator)
    Use methods with the delegate parameter instead of Expression:
    RowStyle (Func<T, Grid<T>, HtmlStyle> configurator)
    RowClass (Func<T, Grid<T>, string> configurator)
    RowHtmlAttributes (Func<T, Grid<T>, object> configurator)
  2. The method in EleWise.ELMA.Web.Mvc.Html.Grids.DynamicColumnBuilder is marked as outdated:
    CellHtmlAttributes (Expression<Func<T, object>> configurator)
    Use the alternative method with the delegate parameter instead of Expression in DynamicColumnBuilder:
    CellHtmlAttributes (Func<T, GridColumn, object> configurator)
  3. These builders are marked as outdated in EleWise.ELMA.BPM.Web.Common.Components.SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue>:
    SelectableGridBuilder(HtmlHelper html, GridDataFilter<T> gridData, Expression<Func<T, TValue>> expression)
    SelectableGridBuilder(HtmlHelper html, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Expression<Func<T, TValue>> expression)
    SelectableGridBuilder(HtmlHelper html, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Expression<Func<T, TValue>> expression, Guid? stateProvider)
    Use the new builders instead:
    SelectableGridBuilder(HtmlHelper html, GridDataFilter<T> gridData, Func<T, Grid, TValue> @delegate)
    SelectableGridBuilder(HtmlHelper html, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Func<T, Grid, TValue> @delegate)
    SelectableGridBuilder(HtmlHelper html, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Func<T, Grid, TValue> @delegate, Guid? stateProvider)
  4. These methods in EleWise.ELMA.BPM.Web.Common.Extensions.DynamicGridExtension are marked as outdated:
    SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue> SelectableGrid<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, GridDataFilter<T> gridData, Expression<Func<T, TValue>> expression)
    SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue> SelectableGrid<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Expression<Func<T, TValue>> expression)
    SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue> SelectableGrid<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Expression<Func<T, TValue>> expression, Guid? stateProvider)
    Use these methods instead:
    SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue> SelectableGrid<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, GridDataFilter<T> gridData, Func<T, Grid, TValue> @delegate)
    SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue> SelectableGrid<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Func<T, Grid, TValue> @delegate)
    SelectableGridBuilder<T, TValue> SelectableGrid<T, TValue>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string gridId, IGridData<T> gridData, Func<T, Grid, TValue> @delegate, Guid? stateProvider)


Address search in the Federal Information Address System works in a different way now. It used to search with the ‘Starts with’ parameter, now it takes into account each word in the search line.

Web application, WorkFlow processes

The permissions to view process instance maps have been changed. Now you have to have access permissions to view both a process instance and the list of tasks in order to open a process map by clicking the toolbar button or a direct link. The description of the setting ‘View task list’ has been changed to ‘View the list of current tasks and the process instance map (if you have permissions to view the process instance)

Public methods and interfaces

The methods DoActivate and CanDoActivate are taken from EleWise.ELMA.KPI.Managers.SmartTaskManager, EleWise.ELMA.Tasks.Managers. ReplacementTaskManager, EleWise.ELMA.Tasks.ManagersTaskManager to the basic EleWise.ELMA.Tasks.Managers.TaskBaseManager<T>.

Major changes

  1. When editing a time report sent for approval, the time reports from the draft are not taken into account.
  2. A document opened in ELMA Agent can be autosaved now. Specify the autosave periodicity in ELMA Agent settings, by default documents are saved every 10 seconds.
  3. Added check of the entered search line before searching in the index. The minimum length is constant (3 characters).