Creating custom scheduler
This article illustrates creating a system scheduler that checks every day, which projects are due on the next day. After the scheduler task has been completed, project managers will receive system notifications about project end date.
Example of data display
Fig. 1. “Project end date” scheduler
Fig. 2. System notification
Methods of the ISchedulerJobRepository extension (interface)
The ISchedulerJobRepository extension point (interface) has the following methods:
/// <summary>
/// Get the list of scheduled tasks
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
ICollection<ISchedulerJob> GetSchedulerJobs();
To implement the scheduler extension point, you have to implement the interface of the scheduler job
Methods of the ISchedulerJob extension (interface)
/// <summary>
/// Owner UID
/// If you need the scheduler to be in a separate unit,you have to implement <seealso cref="ISchedulerTaskOwner"/> and specify its Uid
/// </summary>
Guid? OwnerUid { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Trigger
/// </summary>
ITrigger Trigger { get; }
/// <summary>
/// List of executed jobs
/// </summary>
ICollection<IJob> Jobs { get; }
The ISchedulerJob interface has the following methods:
Methods of the ISchedulerTaskOwner extension (interface)
The ISchedulerTaskOwner extension point (interface) has the following methods:
/// <summary>
/// Owner UID
/// </summary>
Guid Uid { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Owner name
/// </summary>
string Name { get; }
Example of a class of the ISchedulerTaskOwner, ISchedulerJobRepository and ISchedulerJob extension points
public class Owner : ISchedulerTaskOwner
public static readonly Guid Trigguid = new Guid("E2460CB3-5571-4130-A1E2-883882B1D164");
public Guid Uid
get { return Trigguid; }
public string Name
get { return "Scheduler for checking project end date"; }
public class Scheduler : ISchedulerJobRepository
/// <summary>
/// Trigger UID
/// </summary>
public static readonly Guid TriggerGuid = new Guid("5D9991B5-47E0-4f54-8B4E-0CA72A232A12");
public ICollection<ISchedulerJob> GetSchedulerJobs()
return new ISchedulerJob[] { new MessageSchedulerJob() };
private class MessageSchedulerJob : ISchedulerJob
private readonly ITrigger _trigger;
private readonly ICollection<IJob> _jobs;
public MessageSchedulerJob()
_trigger = new NthIncludedDayTrigger(
new NthIncludedDaySettings
ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Daily,//Scheduler type (daily, monthly, weekly, one-time)
DailySettings = new DailySettings { EveryDay = 1, OnlyWorkDays = false },//Depending on the type, configure scheduler settings:EveryDay – each Nth day, OnlyWorkDays – only on business days
StartDate = DateTime.Today.AddMinutes(30),//Start date (when the scheduler will be started, in this case 00:30)
OvertimeToRun = TimeSpan.FromDays(1)//Time, after which the task can still be executed,if for some reason it didn’t happen in time(e.g. the server was down)
//You can add RepeatSettings, for example, to run the scheduler automatically every minute
//Example: RepeatSettings = new RepeatSettings {Enabled = true, RepeatEvery = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), RepeatTo = TimeSpan.FromHours(24)},
Name = SR.T("Trigger for checking project end date"),//Name of the unit with reminders
Id = TriggerGuid //Scheduler ID
_jobs = new List<IJob>
new MessageScheduler()
public ITrigger Trigger
get { return _trigger; }
public ICollection<IJob> Jobs
get { return _jobs; }
public virtual Guid? OwnerUid
get { return Owner.Trigguid; }//Return null, if you need the scheduler in the "System" unit
private class MessageScheduler : IJob
public Guid Id
get { return new Guid("94A8F714-01D8-4472-85F2-417167075CAE"); }
public string Name
get { return SR.T("Check project end date"); }
public Image Icon
get { return null; }
public JobResult Do(DateTime dateToRun)
var user = UserManager.Instance.LoadOrNull(SecurityConstants.SystemUserUid);
Locator.GetServiceNotNull<ISecurityService>().RunByUser(user, () =>
var filter = InterfaceActivator.Create<IProjectFilter>();
filter.FinishDate = new RelativeDateTime(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), DateTime.Today.AddDays(1));
filter.Status = ProjectStatus.Active;
filter.DisableSecurity = true;
var projectsendtoday = ProjectManager.Instance.Find(filter, null);
if (projectsendtoday.Count != 0)
foreach (var project in projectsendtoday)
var message = ChannelMessageManager.Instance.Create();
message.CreationDate = dateToRun;
message.CreationAuthor = user;
message.Subject = string.Format("A project end date is tomorrow:{0}", project.FinishDate);
message.FullMessage = string.Format("Project: {0}", project.Name);
return new JobResult
Status = JobStatus.Success,
Information = SR.T("Check project end date")
As you can see, the scheduler job in the public JobResult Do(DateTime dateToRun) method is executed on behalf of the system (by default, when executing scheduler job, the current user is not defined). Then the list of active projects is filtered by end date and those project, whose end date is on the next day are selected. After that, each project manager receives a system notification.
Links to API elements