Weekly Check of Contacts’ Birthdays; Assigning Corresponding Tasks to Responsible Employees
This article describes how to implement a weekly check of upcoming birthdays of people from the contact list.
If there is a birthday, the user who is responsible for that contact is assigned a corresponding task.
In order for the business process to start every week, set the trigger of the start event to Timer. In the timer settings, set it to trigger once a week on a certain day. To get a list of contacts with birthdays and create corresponding tasks use the script given below.
Script with PublicAPI
Context variable:
context.List – Contact type variable with the List relationship type
1 using EleWise.ELMA.API;
Script text:
1 var contractors = PublicAPI.CRM.Contractor.Find(FetchOptions.All).ToList();
2 contractors.ForEach(contr =>{
3 var contacts = contr.Contacts.ToList(); //check all contacts in each contractor
4 contacts.ForEach(c =>{
5 if ((c.Birthday != null)&(contr.Responsible != null)) //select contacts that have a
6 birthday and a responsible employee specified
7 {
8 if ((c.Birthday.Value.DayOfYear > context.WorkflowInstance.StartDate.Value.DayOfYear)&
9 (с.Birthday.Value.DayOfYear <
10 (context.WorkflowInstance.StartDate.Value.DayOfYear + 7))) //select contacts whose birthday is on the weel following process start
12 {
13 //to display the list, add the contact to a context variable
15 //"Contact" type with the "List" relationship type
16 context.List.Add(k);
17 //create a task and fill in all required fields
18 var tsk = PublicAPI.Portal.TaskBase.Task.Create();
20 // you can specify any user as task author
21 tsk.CreationAuthor = contr.Responsible;
22 tsk.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
23 // depending on the due date, you can specify another task end date
24 tsk.EndDate=DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
25 // as task executor, specify the employee resposible for the contractor
26 tsk.Executor = contr.Responsible;
27 // in the task subject specify whose birthday it is, and who is reponsible for
28 the conrtactor to whom the contact belongs
29 tsk.Subject = "Birthday of" + “c.Name” + " from " + contr.Name;
30 tsk.Description = " Any task description ";
31 tsk.Save();
32 }
33 }
34 });
35 });
Script without PublicAPI
For the script to work, connect the following assemblies:
1 using EleWise.ELMA.CRM.Models;
2 using EleWise.ELMA.Model.Common;
3 using EleWise.ELMA.Model.Managers;
4 using EleWise.ELMA.Tasks.Models;
5 using EleWise.ELMA.Tasks.Managers;
6 using EleWise.ELMA.Model.Services;
Script text:
//check all contractors
var contractors = EntityManager<Contractor>.Instance.Find(FetchOptions.All);
contractors.ForEach(kontr =>{
//view the list of contacts of each contractor
var contacts = kontr.Contacts.ToList();
contacts.ForEach(k =>{
//select only the contacts, for which a birthday and a responsible user are specified
if ((k.Birthday != null)&(kontr.Responsible != null))
//select only the contacts, whose birthday is within a week from the process start date
if ((k.Birthday.Value.DayOfYear > context.WorkflowInstance.StartDate.Value.DayOfYear)&
(k.Birthday.Value.DayOfYear < (context.WorkflowInstance.StartDate.Value.DayOfYear + 7)))
//if you need to display the obtained list, add the contact to a context variable
//of the Contact type with the List link type
//create a task and fill in all the required fields
var tsk = InterfaceActivator.Create<Task>();
//you can specify any user as the task author
tsk.CreationAuthor = kontr.Responsible;
tsk.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
//depending on the date, you can specify another task due date
//specify the user responsible for the contractor as the task executor
tsk.Executor = kontr.Responsible;
//in the task subject, specify who has a birthday and to which contractor this contact belongs
tsk.Subject = "Birthday of " + k.Name + " from " + kontr.Name;
tsk.Description = "Any task description";