ELMA Entity Editor
Object type description is stored in a file with the *.md extension. An object type is a class child, where T is the object ID type. ELMA Entity Editor has four tabs: "Common", "Properties", "Additional", "Documentation".
Displayed Name
This field is used for the type name display. This field is required and localizable.
Object type description. This field is localizable.
Class Name
Name of the class that describes the object type. As the result of configuring an object type a class will be generated in the system, and the value of this field will be used as the name of this class.
Database Table
Name of the database table, to which objects of this type will be saved.
Create, edit and delete object properties. Each property has a list of attributes.
Displayed Name
This field is used for the type name display. This field is required and localizable.
Types can be simple and other objects can be selected as types. Required. Additional field settings depend on the selected type.
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Show date
Show and allow editing the date on the object creation form
Show time
Show and allow editing the time on the object creation form
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Several strings
The editing form will contain <input type="text"> (one-string field) or <textarea>(multi-string field)
Is a name
The value of this field will be used as the object name
Unique identifier (GUID)
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Integer (16 bit)
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Integer (32 bit)
Default value
The value that will be assigned to the property when creating an object
Date/Time (Range)
Show date
Show and allow editing the date on the object creation form
Show time
Show and allow editing the time on the object creation form
Any object
Link type
Defines how objects are linked. The following values are possible:
1) Single - 1 - 1 or N - 1 link
2) Multiple (1 - N)
3) Many-to-many (N - N)
Key column
If you select 1 - N, you must specify the field, which will be used to join a child object
If this property is set to true, then the property on the form will be checked for being filled in
Description of the property
Property name
This value is used for generating class properties. It must comply with the C# property naming rules
Database field name
Name of the database column for storing the property. When entering, it is checked for compliance with the DBMS column naming rules.
Link Table
It is displayed when configuring an object type property with the many-to-many link type. The attribute contains the name of the table, which will store the link between the parent object (the one, for which the property is created) and child object (defined by the object type, selected as the property type).
Field of the link to this object
It is displayed when configuring an object type property with the many-to-many link type. The name of the link table column, which will store a link to this object.
Field of the link to another object
It is displayed when configuring an object type property with the many-to-many link type. The name of the link table column, which will store a link to the child object (defined by the object type, selected as the property type).
Participates in Quick Search
Если true, то значение данного свойства будет учитывается при выполнение быстрого поиска (по одной строке ввода
Participates in Search (Filter)
If true, then a field for searching by this property will be generated in the entity filter. The value, entered in this filter field, will be taken into account when searching.
Show in table
If true, this property will be visible by default when displaying a list of objects (as a table, using DefaultColumns())
Value calculation type
Defines the method of calculating the value of the object
Additional settings of property types
Available values: Date created and Date modified. Used to automatically add the object creation and change dates to the property.
Set current date
If true, the object creation date will be set to this property in the constructor
Set the minimum and maximum allowed values for the property. Checked on the property entry form.
The number of decimal places. Taken into account when entering a fraction.
Minimum and maximum value
Set the minimum and maximum allowed values for the property. Checked on the property entry form.
Limit the length of the string. Checked when entering the string value.
Regular expression
Used to limit the string with a regular expression. For example, this expression limits the value of email addresses:
Minimum and maximum values
Set the minimum and maximum allowed values for the property. Checked on the property entry form.
Integer (16 bit)
Minimum and maximum values
Set the minimum and maximum allowed values for the property. Checked on the property entry form.
Integer (32 bit)
Minimum and maximum values
Set the minimum and maximum allowed values for the property. Checked on the property entry form.
Any object type
Cascade update
Available options:
1) Save changes (cascade saving - Cascade.SaveUpdate())
2) Delete and save changes (cascade changing and deleting - Cascade.All())
Available, if the object type is User.
Creation author - when saving a new object, the current user will be added automatically
Last change author - when saving an existing object, the current user will be added automatically
To generate documentation on the code, the standard mechanism of documentation comments is used. Syntax: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b2s063f7.aspx. If the Use displayed name and description for documentation box is selected, then the following template is used to generate documentation on the object type:
<summary> @{DisplayName} </summary> <remarks> @{Description} </remarks>
Alternatively, you can write a custom template. To include a property in the template, use the following format @{Property Name}.
Base Class
Specify the base class for the object type.
ID Type
PRIMARY KEY type for the object
Allow to create heirs
If false, the object type cannot be a base class for other types
Store change history
If true, when changing the properties of the object, the history of changes will be saved to a separate database table
Display in the list of objects
If true, this object type will be displayed in the objects tree in Web Application
Display in the tree of types
If true, then the type is displayed in the system types tree (if the type is a system type, set false)
Generate filter
If true, then a filter class is generated for the object type. Filter fields are generated by object type properties. Only the properties, marked as participating in the filter, are added to the filter. For numbers and dates, interval-properties are generated (from a min value to a max value).
To generate documentation on the code, the standard mechanism of documentation comments is used. Syntax: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b2s063f7.aspx. If the Use displayed name and description for documentation box is selected, then the following template is used to generate documentation on the object type:
<summary> @{DisplayName} </summary> <remarks> @{Description} </remarks>
Alternatively, you can write a custom template. To include a property in the template, use the following format @{Property Name}.