
Single relationship display settings for all leads

If you open a lead page in the CRM - Leads section, you can find the Relationships tab. Fields on this tab are configurable, for example, you can add another property. This setting only applies to the current lead. Is there a way to apply it to all the leads?

To apply the relationships table settings of one Lead to all the Leads, open the file TabView.cshtml in the folder ELMA3-{Edition}\Web\Modules\EleWise.ELMA.CRM.Web\Views\Lead and replace the line:

@Html.Action("Grid", "Relationship", new { area = CRMAreaRegistration.AREA_NAME, LeadId = Model.Entity.Id, GridId = "LeadRelationships_" + Model.Entity.Id})

with the line:

@Html.Action("Grid", "Relationship", new { area = CRMAreaRegistration.AREA_NAME, LeadId = Model.Entity.Id, GridId = "LeadRelationships_" }) 

In this case, the display settings will first reset to the default values. However, after making changes for one Lead, they will be applied to all the Leads.