Configuring an internal encryption provider
Windows Server 2008. Creating and configuring a certification authority
Installing, Updating and General Settings
ELMA Web Farm
Configuring single sign on for a web farm
Configuring new single sign on for a web farm
Configuring Redis servers for failover operation
Creating a web farm on the controller server
Installing and Configuring MS Web Farm Framework
Lock Settings
Migrating User Session Storage to Redis
Typical web farm start errors and how to fix them
Using Redis cache in ELMA
Lists of Critical Changes
Version 3.11.x
List of critical changes from version 3.11.0 to 3.11.32 (inclusive)
List of critical changes in version 3.11.33
List of critical changes in version 3.11.34
List of critical changes in version 3.11.35
List of critical changes in version 3.11.36
List of critical changes in version 3.11.37
List of critical changes in version 3.11.38
List of critical changes in version 3.11.39
List of critical changes in version 3.11.40
List of critical changes in version 3.11.41
List of critical changes in version 3.11.42
List of critical changes in version 3.11.43
List of critical changes in version 3.11.44
List of critical changes in version 3.11.45
List of critical changes in version 3.11.46
List of critical changes in version 3.11.48
List of critical changes in version 3.11.50
List of critical changes in version 3.11.60
List of critical changes in versions 3.11.49
Version 3.12.x
List of critical changes from version 3.12.0 to 3.12.22 (inclusive)
List of critical changes in version 3.12.23
List of critical changes in version 3.12.24
List of critical changes in version 3.12.25
List of critical changes in version 3.12.26
List of critical changes in version 3.12.27
List of critical changes in version 3.12.28
List of critical changes in version 3.12.29
List of critical changes in version 3.12.30
List of critical changes in version 3.12.31
List of critical changes in version 3.12.32
List of critical changes in version 3.12.33
List of critical changes in version 3.12.34
List of critical changes in version 3.12.35
List of critical changes in version 3.12.36
List of critical changes in version 3.12.38
List of critical changes in version 3.12.39
List of critical changes in version 3.12.40
List of critical changes in version 3.12.50
Version 3.13.x
List of changed pages in Help for versions 3.13.x
List of critical changes from version 3.13.0 to 3.13.12 (inclusive)
List of critical changes in version 3.13.13
List of critical changes in version 3.13.14
List of critical changes in version 3.13.15
List of critical changes in version 3.13.16
List of critical changes in version 3.13.17
List of critical changes in version 3.13.18
List of critical changes in version 3.13.19
List of critical changes in version 3.13.20
List of critical changes in version 3.13.21
List of critical changes in version 3.13.23
List of critical changes in version 3.13.24
List of critical changes in version 3.13.25
List of critical changes in version 3.13.26
List of critical changes in version 3.13.28
List of critical changes in version 3.13.29
List of critical changes in version 3.13.30
List of critical changes in version 3.13.40
Version 3.15.x
List of critical changes in version 3.15.0
List of critical changes from version 3.13.0 to 3.13.12 (inclusive)
List of critical changes in versions 3.8.x
List of critical changes in versions 3.9.x
List of critical changes in versions 3.10.x
List of critical changes in versions 3.11.x
Authentication as a Windows user
Auto-deployment of BPM App package
Changing the ELMA web server port
Configure IIS for ELMA
Configuring ELMA to use several CPU cores
Configuring IIS using command prompt
Configuring extended monitoring for tracking ELMA server restart
Disabling Database Backup Copying when Starting ELMA Server
ELMA and MSSQL SERVER compatibility
Error importing users from lDAP
External components used in ELMA
Filter for selecting active users from AD/LDAP
How to Reset ELMA Activation
Increasing RAM size available for the ELMA Designer application
Installing ELMA in the silent mode
Loading Users from an Excel File
Loading from a Text File with Separators
Migrating User Session Storage to Redis
Redirect to MSSQL Reporting services upon opening the Reports section in the ELMA Web Application
Service for starting business processes in ELMA from xml files
Setting up ELMA to work with https
Setting up Elastic Search
Setting up the SQL server response timeout
Solving Issues with Connecting to ELMA
Starting ELMA Agent with parameters
Update from MVC3 to MVC4
Updating a custom component (module)
Using ELMA with slow Internet connection
Working with ELMA configuration files
Managing Databases
Backing Up Oracle Databases
Maintaining Firebird Database
Managing Databases
Managing Databases in IBExpert
Managing Firebird databases with EMS SQL Manager
Manually backing up the database when updating the system
Recommendations on maintaining and configuring MSSQL servers
Restoring from an Oracle backup
Collecting informaiton on deadlock
Deploying RabbitMQ server and configuring message queues in ELMA
Export and Import in 3.2.0
General information about the Administration section
Installing ELMA
Instructions for migrating to Firebird v.3
Instructions for setting up MSMQ
Managing Databases
Oracle Database system requirements
Specifics of Updating ELMA
Starting the ELMA Server: Typical Errors and How to Fix Them
Test - Production working scheme
The main causes of low performance of ELMA server and ways to prevent them
The requested URL did not return JSON - examples and getting information on the error.
Translating ELMA Interface
Updating ELMA
Updating ELMA with an ELMA Store component installed
Updating and installing additional modules
ELMA: Business Process Management
Assigning tasks to multiple users via sub processes
Changing layout of transition buttons on a business process task form with a Razor markup
Configuring a category list in the business process task
Dynamic forms for business process tasks: writing the result of operations with a block entries to another block
Dynamic forms of business process tasks: writing results of operations with block elements to another block
Dynamic task form in business processes
Example of integration of ELMA with an external system
Example of using regular expressions for string fields
Interrupting parallel tasks in a process
Limiting the date selection range for a variable of the Date/Time type
OR gateway use case
Selecting customer accounts from the table
The process and scripts for database cleaning
Using Razor markup for creating interface of a user task in a business process
Using a parallel and non-exclusive OR gateway
Using document management activities in a business process
Using linked objects in a process task
Using the ‘Send Message’ and ‘Receive Message’ activities
SOA Connector
Example of integrating ELMA with an external system (ELMA web service, SOA Connector)
Examples of using HTTP requests to start a business process.
Accessing the context of the parent process instance from a script
Adding a comment to the current process instance with a script
Adding an element to a drop-down list
Automatic generation of passwords
Automatic process numeration
Calculating dates taking into account the business calendar
Changing name of a business process task with a script. Naming templates.
Checking if a user belongs to a user group
Configuring a filter for an Object type variable
Creating a file from a stream
Creating a message with a script
Creating an event in a process with a script
Creating a reminder about task end date using a script
Creating a time report on a task using a script
Creating a user task with a script
Deleting a block item
Determining a user's department in a scipt
Dynamic forms for business processes: checkboxes for variables
Dynamic forms for business process tasks: Scripts for editing block items
Dynamic forms for business process tasks: selecting linked objects
Dynamic forms for business process tasks: sum of block items
Dynamic forms for business process tasks: writing the result of operations with a block entries to another block
Example of Date Calculation According to Business Calendar
Example of working with objects in scripts
Examples of scripts for conditions on gateway transitions
Executing a script under a specific user
Getting active process tasks with a script
Getting a user's superior in a script
Getting mail from a mailbox
Getting user's groups
Getting users by an organizational structure item with a script
Granting a user access to a task with a script
History of object fields changes using database triggers
Identifying the executor of a dynamic swimlane by the First Response mechanism in a script
Importing folders with nested folders and files
Interrupting a process in a script
Interrupting a timer in a business process with a script
Loading a file into a context variable
Monitoring history of object instance changes with scripts
Moving data from an Excel file to a block
Obtaining all users of a group with a script
Obtaining basic system URL with a script
Obtaining current logged in user with a script
Reassigning all tasks from one user to another
Script for adding comments to a task
Starting a process from a script
Using SQL queries in scripts
Using a dynamic swimlane
Using a filter by a process context
Using filters by object instances in scripts
Weekly Check of Contacts’ Birthdays; Assigning Corresponding Tasks to Responsible Employees
Working with blocks in scripts
Writing data to an Excel file
Accessing Files in a Network Share
General information about the Business Process Management module
Modeling Business Processes
Service for starting business processes in ELMA from xml files
Working with Business Processes. FAQ.
Adding a contractor page field to a deal filter
Adding a phone type
Display documents on a contractor page
Selecting values from an object
Sending an email to a contractor's contact
Making Individual object fields not required
Single relationship display settings for all leads
Converting a lead to a contractor with a script
Converting numbers into text in scripts
Creating a deal with a script
Display the list of customer's contacts
Dynamic form for creating and editing a Contractor object
Executing a script upon an event
Finding inactive contractors
Getting the list of contractor's contacts using a script
Link between the contractor and company objects
Preventing contractor duplication
Scripts for working with documents on a contractor page
Configuring Sales Funnel. Linking Business Processes to the Funnel.
Contractor Page in ELMA CRM+
Creating a deal. Deal Dynamics report
General information about the CRM application
Managing relationships
Document Templates
Converting a file generated by a template to pdf in a business process
Display of a Block variable in a document template
Double generation by a template
Generate a file from a template
Generating a file using a script
List of functions for generating documents by a template v3.10
Numbered lists in document templates
Approval and acquaintance with a document package
Configuring a category list in the business process task
Creating and configuring a custom document form
Creating a records classification scheme for the previous year
Customizing the approval sheet template
Decision mechanism in Web Application
Getting document type default folder for using in scripts
Integration with Google Docs: simultaneous work with documents in ELMA
Making several decisions on one documents
Making the approval comment required
New capabilities of generating file preview
Registering a document with a past date
Display the registration number in the document name
Adding/removing permissions to a document using a script
Adding/removing permissions to create documents of a certain type in a script
Adding/removing permissions to sign a document
Adding a version to a document using a script
Adding users to the list of document approvers with a script
Calculatable fields when changing document attributes
Changing document life cycle stages in a script
Creating/removing a link between documents in a script
Creating a decision in a script
Creating a document using a script
Creating and configuring display of filter folders using a script
Example of a script for calculating a field value
Finding active document approval processes with a script
Getting a decision text in a script
Getting subfolders of the selected folder using a script
Getting the list of decision-based tasks in a script
Interrupting approval tasks using a script
List of document approval and acquaintance groups
Moving documents in a script
Registering a document in a script
Renaming a document version file in a script
Reserving registration numbers using a script
Script for getting document approval results
Scripts triggered by events
Sending a document for acquaintance using a script
Sending a document for approval using a script
Signing a document version in a script
Subscribing a user to a document using a script
Using custom properties of system objects in object and document scripts
Using the last digits of the year in the records classification scheme (function)
Working with GridState (a table display settings class)
Working with the document registration number
Writing an approval sheet to a context variable
Writing data to an Excel file
Creating a document in ELMA
Document routes in ELMA
General information about ELMA ECM+
Switching the block request generation mode
ELMA: Web Portal
Changing the main page button
Changing the style of context variables display
Creating an sms notification template
Creating a portlet for displaying the list of new users
Customizing the sign-in window
Disabling the history by an object/action using the settings file
Displaying a table with checkboxes
ELMA object model in terms of organizational structure
ELMA object model in terms of users
Examples of Code portlets
Examples of portlets with Iframe
Getting the list of online users
Hiding task transition buttons
Mask for entering a phone number
Modifying the main menu button
Portlet for starting processes
Setting up MS SharePoint for installing the ELMA integration application
Using Javascript in ELMA
ELMA Agent
Clearing AppData
Error in ELMA Agent when scanning
Custom Form for Creating Object Instances
FAQ on working with objects
Permissions to view/edit a field in an object's user interface
Adding a document name to the subject of a consideration task in the schedule compliance report
Collapsible panels and grouping in reports
Complex report with links to different object types in FastReport
Complex report with links using Razor markup
Converting the BIGINT type to a time interval when creating a report
Example of creating a complex report
Example of creating a report with charts
Example of creating a simple report
Exporting reports with .Net Razor layout
Hiding empty dates in a FastReport-based report
Links to ELMA objects in reports
Matrix reports in FastReport
Numeration of rows and columns in a matrix report
Scripts in FastReport
Using collapsible blocks in reports
Using custom paging in Razor reports
Using enumerations as parameters in reports
Using filters in drop-down lists
Using list parameters in reports
Actions with tasks in ELMA
Automatic reassigning of tasks in case of substitutions
Getting emails from the Exchange server and closing tasks by emails
Making fields required/optional in the form builder
General information about the Web Portal
Public Channels in ELMA
Time Reports
Working with the Calendar
ELMA Framework
ELMA Components
System Extensions
Architecture of ELMA core
Architecture of ELMA object model
Component model
Creating module-level events
Data model structure and object managers
ELMA Initialization Lifecycle
Locator of ELMA Services
Data Model
Creating a custom property handler
Creating server module in ELMA
Database Optimization
Database conversion using the structure´s XML file
Entity editor: ELMA Entity
Managers of entities
NHibernate event listeners
PostFlush listeners of NHibernate events
Architecture of ELMA Designer
Creating new module in the designer
Items of the application ribbon (tool bar and status bar)
Developing Back-End Extensions
Actions in Objects and Managers
Adding a custom settings section for a module, with user display of view/edit forms
Adding a settings section for a module
Additional file permission check
Creating access permissions for the object instances
Creating a custom authentication module
Creating custom global settings for a module
Creating custom messaging channel
Creating custom object monitoring
Creating custom scheduler
Creating document preview for different file formats
Creating module in ELMA
Recent activity on different object types
Recording object’s history of actions
ELMA Plugin for Visual Studio
ELMA Plugin for Visual Studio 2010/2013/2017
Package system for installation and update
Creating a custom data type for a list of notification recipients
Creating custom functions for notification templates
Script for generating a barcode image inserted in a document template
Script for making a fixed size image and inserting it into a document template
XML notification templates
Web Application
Adding custom events to calendar
Adding link to object’s page
Adding table columns to the standard “Dynamic Grid” element
Adding tabs to the standard “TabPanel” element
Changes in the service for managing user accounts in version 3.11
Creating custom data counter for the menu
Creating custom events in calendar
Creating pop-up windows to view object´s instances
Creating portlet in ELMA module
Creating portlet page with a portlet when activating module container
Creating tree-like menu
Creating web modules in ELMA
Displaying detailed information about the contractor in the standard selection element
Extension point for displaying Messages of all object types
Implementing the possibility to pin an object to a page
Structure of web modules
Adding new buttons to ELMA toolbars
Adding new items to ELMA left menu
ELMA Entity Editor
Naming agreement
Specifics of developing for Oracle
Catalogue of available system extensions
Introduction to ELMA3 development
ELMA Configuration Management
ELMA Configuration Management installation
Setting up automatic start of the Configuration Management application
Creating Scripts
Calculating values of object properties
Creating Objects in Scripts
Creating and using custom activities
Creating custom messaging channel
Creating dynamic forms
Implementation of the eql-search for documents
Loading file from context to ftp-server
Scripts for changing the business calendar
Searching for objects in scripts
Using third-party code editors for writing scripts in ELMA
Working with custom fields of objects in scripts
Working with enumerations in scripts
Complex filters. EQL language
Creating a portlet for a component in Designer
Data model structure and object managers
ELMA API – a tool for developing scripts in ELMA
Introduction to scripts in ELMA
Requirements for a Script Developer
Adding custom Web API service
Examples of working with WebAPI
External WebAPI
Integrating ELMA with an external website
Object Tree Selection
Sending Ajax requests to ELMA server
Token authentication mechanism
Tracking changes through the API
Working with WS links in ELMA Designer
Applying changes in settings.config file without restarting server
Bulk data import
ELMA Framework – tools for ELMA development
Standards in C# coding
Collecting data of personal KPIs and writing the result to a total KPI
Collecting data on a personal KPI
Filling in KPI row values using a script
Filling in process metrics using scripts
Balanced Scorecard: Goals, Activities, Maps
Collecting data of personal KPIs and writing the result to a total KPI
General information about the KPI module
KPI Management. Model Example.
Performance Matrices and Incentives
ELMA Projects+
Creating a custom filter in a project plan
Creating a user filter in a project plan
Example of Using Project Processes
Managing project plan from a process task
Using Complex Project Tasks
Working with a project plan in a process task
Converting numbers into text in scripts
Creating a project in a script
Creating a project in ELMA Projects+
General Information on Projects+
Supplementary Materials
Business process status on an object instance view form
VIDEO Tutorials
ELMA Information Space
ELMA 504: Knowledge Base
ELMA 505: Community Edition and Online Demo
Video Tutorials for Administrators
ELMA 301: Installing ELMA
301-1 Installing ELMA
301-2: Checking Installation
ELMA 302: First Start
ELMA 302-1: Activation
302-1-1: System Activation
ELMA 302-2: ELMA Configuration
302-2-1: ELMA Configuration
302-2-2: Connecting Designer to Configuration
302-2-3: Creating Configuration
302-2-4: Configuration Folder
302-2-5: Configuration File
ELMA 303: Licensing
303-1: About Licenses
303-2: Licensing Types
303-3: Activation
303-4: Resetting Licenses
ELMA 304: Administering Web Server
304-1: Administering Cassini Web Server
304-2: Administering IIS Web Server
304-3: Configuring Windows Firewall
ELMA 305: Working with Databases
305-1: Working with Databases
305-2: Backing Up and Restoring Firebird Database
305-3: Backing Up and Restoring MS SQL Database
305-4: Backing Up and Restoring PostgreSQL Database
ELMA 306: Updating ELMA
306-1: Updating ELMA
ELMA 307: System Settings
307-1: System Settings
ELMA 308: System Diagnostics
308-1: Standard System Diagnostics
308-2: System Performance Report
308-3: Report on Current Activity
ELMA 309: Execution Queue
309-1: Execution Queue
ELMA 310: Service Desk
310-1: Service Desk
Video Tutorials for Business Analysts
ELMA 101: ELMA BPM Platform
101-1 Getting started
101-1-2-1 Setting Administrator Password
101-1-2-2 General Settings
101-1-2-3 Outgoing Mail Settings
101-1-2-4 Creating Accounts
101-1-3-1 Creating Configuration
101-1-3-2 Starting ELMA Designer
101-1-4-1 Creating Organizational Structure
101-1-4-2 Publishing Organizational Structure
Getting Started with ELMA: Course Content
101-2 Business process modeling
101-2-1 Creating Business Process
101-2-2 Configuring Swimlanes
101-2-3 Modeling Activities
101-2-4 Adding Connectors
101-2-5 Business Process Context
101-2-6 Configuring Notifications
101-2-7 Using Gateways
101-2-8 Responsibility Matrix
101-2-9 Checking Business Process
101-2-10 Debugging Business Process
101-2-11 Publishing Business Process
Business process modeling: Course Content
101-3 Executing and monitoring business process
101-3-1-1 Starting Business Process
101-3-1-2 Executing Business Process
101-3-2 Assigning Access to Processes
101-3-3-1 Controlling and Monitoring Business Process
101-3-3-2 Execution Queue
101-3-4 Improving Business Process
Executing and monitoring business process: Course Content
101-4 Fine-tuning business process
101-4-1 Process Instance Naming
101-4-2 Operation Markers
101-4-3 Process Statuses
101-4-4 Using Triggers
101-4-4-1 Automatic Start of Business Processes
101-4-4-2 Timers and Escalation
101-4-5 Subprocesses
101-4-6 Task Forms
101-5 Process KPIs and metrics
101-5-1 Process Metrics and KPIs
101-5-2 Creating Process Instance KPI
101-5-3 Creating Process KPI
101-5-4 Process Indicators
Process KPIs and Metrics: Course Content
ELMA 102: Web Portal
102-1 Tasks
102-1-1 User Tasks
102-1-2 Task Control
102-1-3 My Department
102-1-4 Reports
102-2 Calendar
102-2-1 User Calendar
102-2-2 Common Calendars
102-3 Time Reports
102-3-1 Configuring Time Report Module
102-3-2 Time Report Objects
102-3-3 Activity Type
102-3-4 Adding Time Report to Tasks
102-4 Messages
102-4-1 Sending Messages
102-4-2 Searching Messages
102-4-3 Messages Settings
102-4-4 Public Channels
102-4-5 Email Interface
102-5 CRM
102-5-1 CRM
102-6 Absence and Substitution
102-6-1 Absence and Substitution
102-7 Interfaces
102-7-1 Interface Settings
102-7-2 Visual Interface Editor
102-7-3 Menu Settings
102-7-4 Configuring Toolbar
102-7-5 Configuring and Creating Pages
102-7-6 Set of Main Pages
102-7-7 System Portlets
102-8 ELMA Agent
102-8-1 ELMA Agent
ELMA 103: ELMA ECM+ Application
103-1 Implementing EDM
103-1 Implementing EDM: Course Content
103-1-1 Implementing Electronic Document Management
103-1-2-1 Creating Document Type
103-1-2-2 Configuring Document Forms
103-1-2-3 Document Life Cycle
103-1-2-4 Publishing Document Type
103-1-3 Creating Documents in Web Application
103-1-4 Document Page in Web Application
103-2 Document Routes
103-2-1 Modeling Routing Process
103-2-2 Binding Route to Document Type
103-2-3 Routing Documents
103-2-4 Document Templates
Document Routes: Course Content
103-3 Document Storage
103-3-1 Document Storage. Folders. Filter Folders
103-3-2 Document Archive
103-3-3 Document Search
103-3-4 Document Barcoding
Document Storage: Course Content
103-4 Records Management
103-4-1 Configuring Document Registration
103-4-1-1 Configuring Record Card Types
103-4-1-2 Configuring Records Classification Scheme
103-4-1-3 Configuring Registration Variants
103-4-1-4 Registration Number in Document Name
103-4-2-1 Registering New Document
103-4-2-2 Registering Existing Document
103-4-2-3 Multiple Document Registration
103-4-3 Reserving Registration Number
103-4-4 Document Dispatch Tracker
Records Management: Course Content
103-5 Operations with Documents
103-5-1 Acquaintance
103-5-2 Approval
103-5-3 Consideration
103-5-4 Discussion
103-5-5 Signing
103-6 Security
103-6-1 Managing Access
103-6-2 Document Encryption
103-6-3-1 Digital Signature
103-6-3-2 Signing and approving with DS
ELMA 105: ELMA Projects+
105-1 Main Features
105-1-1 Creating Projects
105-1-2 Import from MS Project
105-1-3 Project Page
105-1-4 Publishing Projects
105-1-5 Project Plan
105-1-6 Task Types
105-1-7 Links
105-1-8 Gantt Chart
105-1-9 Critical Path
105-1-10 Publishing Project Plan
105-1-11 Project Control and Monitoring
105-1-12 Completing Project
105-2 Configuring Project Conveyor
105-2-1 Project Conveyor
105-2-2 Creating Project Type
105-2-3 Configuring Project Life Cycle
105-2-4 Modeling Project Processes
105-2-5 Configuring Forms
105-2-6 Project Roles
105-2-7 Project Phases
105-2-8 Configuring Project Type Template
105-3 Using Project Conveyor
105-3-1 Creating Project from Template
105-3-2 Project Calendar
105-3-3 Starting Business Process from Project Plan
105-3-4 Planning Resources
105-3-5 Changing Life Cycle Stages
105-3-6 Project Risks
105-3-7 Project Budget
105-4 Additional Features
105-4-1 Starting Business Process from Project Page
105-4-2 Approving Project Plan
105-4-3 Time Limit and Overtime
105-4-4 Due Dates Forecast
105-4-5 Comparing Plan Versions
106-1 Configuring KPIs
106-1-1 Initial Setup
106-1-2 Creating and Configuring KPIs
106-1-3 Row KPIs
106-1-4 Personal KPIs
106-1-5 Data Collection. ELMA Tasks
106-1-7 Data Colleсtion. Connection between KPIs and business process indicators
106-1-8 Scheduler Tasks
106-1-9 Publishing Changes
106-1-10 KPI Page in Web Application
106-2 Performance Matrices
106-2-1 Performance Matrix
106-2-2 Creating Matrix Template for Manager
106-2-3 Using Performance Matrices
106-3 Goal Management
106-3-1 Goal Management
106-3-2 Creating Goal Map
106-3-3 Managing Goal Map
106-3-4 Goal Menu and Page
106-3-5 Connecting Main Goal KPI
106-4 Dashboards
106-4-1 Dashboards
106-4-2 Configuring Access to Dashboards
Video Tutorials for Users
ELMA 201: Web Application
201-1 Authentication
201-2 User Profile
201-3 System Interface
201-4 Customizing Main Page
ELMA 202: Single Information Space
ELMA 202-1: Messages
202-1-1: Messages
202-1-2: Sending and Viewing Messages
202-1-3: Configuring Message Priority
ELMA 202-4: ELMA Agent
202-4-1: Messages in ELMA Agent
202-4-2 Documents in ELMA Agent
202-2: Public Channels
202-3: Email Interface
ELMA 203: Tasks
ELMA 203-2: Working with Tasks
203-2-1: Creating Tasks
203-2-2: Completing Tasks and Task History
203-2-3: Task Control
203-2-4: Task Search
203-2-5: Task Approval
203-1: Task Types
ELMA 204: Business Processes
204-1: Starting Business Processes
204-2: Working with Process Tasks
204-3: My Processes
ELMA 205: Schedule Compliance
205-1: Controlling Department Activities
205-2: Reports
ELMA 206: Scheduling Activities
ELMA 206-1: User Calendar
206-1-1: User Calendar
206-1-2: Creating Events
206-1-3: Creating Relationships
206-1-4 Scheduling Tasks
206-1-5: Scheduling Interface
206-2: Common Calendars
ELMA 207: Time Reports
207-1: Adding Time Report to Tasks
207-2: Time Report
207-3: Time Report Approval
ELMA 208: Documents
ELMA 208-3: Working with Documents
208-3-1: Creating Documents
208-3-2: Actions with Documents
208-1: Electronic Document
208-2: Folders and Documents
208-4: Document Search
209-1: Contractors and Leads
209-2: Relationships
209-3: Deals
209-4: Payments
Search in:
Public API
Developer API
Help ELMA3
Configuring an internal encryption provider
Installing, Updating and General Settings
Managing Databases
Articles in This Category
Collecting informaiton on deadlock
Added 06 june 2018
Deploying RabbitMQ server and configuring message queues in ELMA
Added 16 may 2018
Export and Import in 3.2.0
Added 13 january 2017
General information about the Administration section
Added 05 july 2018
Installing ELMA
Added 01 october 2016
Instructions for migrating to Firebird v.3
Added 23 june 2018
Instructions for setting up MSMQ
Added 28 may 2018
Managing Databases
Added 19 march 2017
Oracle Database system requirements
Added 06 july 2018
Specifics of Updating ELMA
Added 20 march 2017
Starting the ELMA Server: Typical Errors and How to Fix Them
Added 05 december 2016
Test - Production working scheme
Added 21 march 2017
The main causes of low performance of ELMA server and ways to prevent them
Added 09 april 2018
The requested URL did not return JSON - examples and getting information on the error.
Added 08 may 2018
Translating ELMA Interface
Added 15 june 2018
Updating ELMA
Added 18 march 2017
Updating ELMA with an ELMA Store component installed
Added 23 march 2017
Updating and installing additional modules
Added 22 march 2017
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