
Record Card Attributes

Record card attributes - is a set of fields of different data types, with information on the document registration in the current records classification scheme – registration number, registration office, category and so on.
Record card type attributes are displayed on the Attributes tab of the record card type page (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Record card page. Attributes tab
The table with attributes on this tab is similar to the table on the Context tab of a process page, only without the Input and Output checkboxes.
The attributes differ by color:
In ELMA you can:

Record card attribute page

The record card attribute page contains information on the current attribute (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Record card attribute page
To open a record card attribute page:
When you create or edit a record card attribute, the Document Attribute data type will be available in the tree of data types. To learn more about the Document Attribute data type, see the respective Help page.
Record card attribute page is similar to the object property page.
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