The numerator page contains full information on the numerator: increment, current value and so on (fig. 1). Pages of system and user numerators are similar.
Fig. 1. Numerator Page
There are several ways to open a numerator page:
select the required numerator in the list and click Change Numerator in the top menu;
click Edit Numerator in the context menu of the required numerator;
double click on the numerator name in the list of numerators.
Common unit
Name*– numerator name. This field is required.
Increment*– value, which will be added to the current numerator value in order to calculate the next one. This field is require.
Current Value*– the last number, issued by the numerator. This field is required.
Description – description of the numerator.
Advanced unit
UID – UID of the numerator. It is generated automatically and cannot be changed.
Copy button – copy the numerator UID to clipboard for further use in a C# script.
Numerator loading C# code button – copy the numerator code to clipboard for further use in a C# script. An example of this code is in fig. 2.