
Searching Documents by Barcodes

To be able to search a document by barcode, you need to add a specific component to the system interface. After that you will be able to search documents by barcode.
Adding a component for searching documents by barcode
The work with documents is much faster if you use barcodes. With a barcode you can quickly find a document page in the system while having its paper version. The barcode settings are described on the respective Help page.
Document search by barcode is performed by an ELMA component which can be added to the menu or a portlet on the main page or in the documents section. To do so, enable the interface settings mode (fig. 1) and add an HTML portlet from the portlets catalogue (fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Adding a portlet
Fig. 2. Portlet catalogue
In the portlet settings, add an action by clicking ELMA – Add Action (fig. 3)
Fig. 3 Portlet settings
In the opened dialog box, click More (fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Adding an action. More button
Next select the "Search by Barcode (Dialog)" action under Generating barcodes (fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Adding an action
Next, configure the button appearance (fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Configuring the HTML portlet
After you click Done and save the page settings, the portlet with the button for searching a document by barcode will be added to the page (fig. 7).
Fig. 7. System main page. HTML portlet
Searching a document by barcode
To search a document by barcode, click on the added Search by barcode button (fig. 7) and scan a barcode when a dialog box opens (fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Scan barcode dialog box
The system works with barcode scanners that emulate a keyboard. When scanning, make sure that the cursor is in the field.

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