This activity generates a new document acquaintance sheet. It is not displayed in Web Application. You have to connect this activity with the Acquaintance activity, using a label or the context variable of the Acquaintance sheet type. When you use this activity, the list of executors has to be defined in the Acquaintance activity by a context variable or the swimlane, in which the activity is.
You should place this activity before a static or dynamic swimlane, since the approvers are selected from the swimlane users.
If you place this activity before a business role swimlane, you have to specify a context variable for creating the list of the acquaintance task executors in the Acquaintance activity settings.
Settings of the New Acquaintance Sheet activity
To configure the activity, double click on it on the process graphic model (fig 1). Activity settings page will open, which includes several tabs (fig. 2):