
Goal Maps

Goal maps are help visualize the strategic goals of a company and translate the company’s strategy to the executors.
A goal map is created in ELMA Designer as a mind map. After publishing, it becomes available in Web Application in the Goal Maps section.
Before you start managing goal maps, check the Allow to edit Goal Tree and Activities manually box! You can find it in Menu - Settings - KPI Model. In this case, when you delete an element from the goal map it remains in the model. If you do not check this box, when you delete the element from the goal map it is deleted from the model as well.
To create a goal map, go to KPI – Goals, open the context menu of the Goal Maps section and click Create. Fill in the fields and click OK.
The creation window looks as shown in fig. 1:
Fig. 1. Goal map creation window.
Map Name* – name of the new goal map. This is a required field.
Edit Goal Map – here you can specify how the goal map can be edited. There are 2 options:
Select Initial Goal – select this option to add an initial goal from the list of previously created goals. When you check this option, the additional Goal field appears displaying the goal tree. Select the required goal.

Goal map page

The goal map page has three tabs: Diagram, PropertiesResponsibility matrix (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Goal map page. Diagram tab
Diagram tab
On this tab, you can create the goal map diagram (fig. 2).
Properties tab
The fields on this tab (fig. 3) are similar to the fields in the goal map creation window.
Fig. 3. Goal map page. Properties tab
Responsibility Matrix tab
On this tab (fig. 4), you can configure the roles of users responsible for working with the goal map in Web Application. Permissions can be inherited from the parent folder or configured manually.
Fig. 4. Goal map page. Responsibility matrix tab
This tab is the same as the Responsibility Matrix section of ELMA Designer.
In order to make change take effect, publish the KPI model.

Map archiving

The goal maps that are outdated or completed can be archived. All the archived maps are shown in Web Application KPIs – Goals – Goal map archive.
For more information, go here.

See also:

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