

After you have made changes to the KPI model, you need to save them and publish the model. When you save the model, the changes are applied only in ELMA Designer. To make the model and the changes available in Web Application, you must publish it.
Only the published version of the KPI model is available in Web Application.
There are two ways to publish the KPI model :
Fig. 1. KPI tab. Publish button
Fig. 2. Publishing tab. Publish button
After you click the Publish button, a dialogue box opens. It shows the number of the published KPI model version (fig. 3). In the Comment field, you can describe the new version (for example, list the changes that you have made). The contents of this field are shown in the Comments field of the Version History section (fig. 4).
Fig. 3. Publishing KPI model. Dialogue box
Fig. 4. Version History. Comments field

KPI portlet

The Publishing tab of ELMA Designer features, amongst others, the KPI portlet (fig. 5) that shows information about the publication of the KPI model and about the latest changes introduced to the model.
If there are any unpublished changes in the KPI model, there will be a warning in red saying The KPI Model is changed. You will also see the Publish button, which you can click to publish the model.
Fig. 5. Publishing tab. KPI portlet
If there are no unpublished changes in the KPI model, you will see The KPI model is published (version: <version number>) written in green (fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Publishing tab. KPI portlet
This portlet displays the following information:

See also:

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