
Responsibility Matrices

On the KPI tab of ELMA Designer, in the Responsibility Matrices section, you will find a tree of job positions that corresponds with the published organizational structure of the company, and KPI's, for which the employees are responsible (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Responsibility Matrices section
The number in parenthesis shows the number or KPIs, for which the user who occupies the job position is responsible.
To view a job position, double click on it in the responsibility matrix tree. To the right you will see the job position page (fig. 2), which consists of two tabs: KPI and Goals. These tabs shows the KPIs and goals for which the user on this job position is responsible.
Fig. 2. Responsibility Matrices section
To open a KPI/goal page, double-click on the required element on one of the tabs. You can also open a KPI page from the responsibility matrices tree by double-clicking on the required element or by selecting Open KPI in the context menu of an element. The KPI/goal page will open, which allows editing the element. 

Adding a KPI to a job position

There are two ways to add a KPI to a job position:
 Fig. 3. Dialog box for selecting a KPI

Adding a goal to a job position

To add a goal to a job position, open the goal page, General tab; in the Responsible select the required job position and click Save. The goal will be added to the job position in the responsibility matrices tree.

Removing a KPI from a job position

There are several ways to remove a KPI from a responsibility matrix:
In the opened dialog box, confirm removing the KPI. The selected KPI will be removed from the tree.

Removing a goal from a job position

To remove a goal from a responsibility matrix, open a goal page and on the General tab in the Responsible field remove the selected job position and click Save. The goal will be removed from the responsibility matrices tree.
To make all the changes in the responsibility matrices displayed in the Web Application, publish the model.


Expands all the nodes in the organizational structure tree.
Collapses all the nodes in the organizational structure tree.

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