To send a map to the archive, open the KPIsection in ELMA Designer, go toGoals, open the context menu and click To Archive (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. ELMA Designer. Goal map context menu. To Archive
You will see a dialogue box (fig .2) where you have to confirm or cancel archiving the goal map.
Fig. 2. Confirmation dialogue box
In order for the changes to become active, publish the KPI model. After publication, the map will be moved from the Goal Mapssection to the Goal Map Archive (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Goal Map archive in the web application
Here is a list of available actions for archived goal maps:
View different periods (for example, you can view the period when the goal map was created and see the statistics on SMART tasks and KPI statuses at that time);
Open and view pages of the map elements: goals, groups of goals and activities. New activities and SMART tasks cannot be created.
Restoring an archived goal map
You can restore an archived map and make it active. For that, in ELMA Designer on the KPI tab open the map context menu and click From Archive (fig. 4).
Fig. 4. ELMA Designer. Restoring an archived goal map
To save the changes, publish the KPI model. After publication, the goal map will become available in the Goal Map section as all the other active maps.