
Common Tab

Fig. 1 shows an example of the Common tab of a KPI page.
Fig. 1. Creating a KPI. Common tab.
Displayed Name* – KPI’s name as it is displayed in the system. You can change it if necessary. This field is required.
Description – description of the KPI.
Row of Values – option that enables you to divide a KPI into rows in order to check and analyze a value. If you select this option, the Configure rows tab appears as well as the Configure a row of values section (fig. 2).

Row of values

Fig. 2. Expand to a Row option
The Configure a row of values section has the following settings:
Has a proper value – if this option is selected, the KPI will have its proper value calculated according to the Calculation method specified in the Values tab.
You can read more about row KPIs here.
Unique Name* – unique system name of the KPI. This name is used in formulas for calculation of KPI values on the Values tab. It is filled in automatically when the Displayed Name field is filled in. You can also fill it in manually if you need to. This field is a required one. If you try to add a KPI with a unique name that already exists in ELMA, an error message will appear (fig. 3):
Fig. 3. Error message
If you change the unique name of a KPI, you need to correct the formulas where this KPI is used.
Periodicity *defines how often the plan and fact values of the indicator update in the web application. In the drop-down list, select the desired value: Year, Half Year, Quarter, etc. If necessary, the periodicity can be configured in the Periodicity object (if you have the respective access permissions). This field is required.
Type – in the drop-down list select the KPI type: indicator or metric. This field is a required one.
Measurement Unit* – measurement unit of the current KPI. Select it from the drop-down list: percentage, pieces, euro, etc. These values are stored in the Measurement Unit object and can be modified by the person who has respective access permissions. The selected unit will be used for display of KPI values in reports and forms. This field is a required one.

See also:
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