Grade Measurement Unit object
This object (fig. 1) stores units of measurement that are used for adding grades to the performance matrix template in Web Application.
There are two default instances: Percentage and Points. You can also add other units that you need.
Fig. 1. Grade Measurement Unit object
This page includes a quick search form with advanced search, and a table with a list of object instances (fig. 1).
You can configure the table. There are two default columns: Name, Abbreviation text.
To edit an object instance, click
. To delete, click
. Click on a unit’s name to open its page. This page is similar to a measurement unit’s creation page.
Creating a grade measurement unit
To create a unit, click Create in the top toolbar. The creation page will open (fig. 2).
Fig. 2.Page for creating a grade measurement unit
All the fields here are divided into the following groups:
Name * – name of the created unit. This is a required field.
Abbreviation Text * – abbreviated name of the unit. This is a required field.
Abbreviation Position – here you have to specify if you want the abbreviated name of the unit to be shown to the left or to the right of its value. For example, "rub." for rubles is placed to the right while the $ dollar sign is placed to the left of the value.
Number Format
Decimal places – number of digits after the decimal point. You can select any value between 0 and 9.
Decimal separator – specify whether you want to use a comma or a period as decimal separator.
Group by – select the number of digits from 0 to 10 for grouping large numbers.
Group Separator – select how groups of numbers will be separated from each other: with a space, period or comma.
Negative Values – specify how you want the negative numbers to be displayed:
Value List
The value is selected from the list:
Yes – it will be possible to select the value of the created measurement unit only from a specific list;
No – any value can be entered.
If you select Yes, a table will be displayed for you to add the values to the list (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Creating a measurement unit. Value List section
By default, this table is empty and contains the following columns:
Name – name of the value;
Percentage – percentage of the value;
Is a default value – if the unit is set as the default value, this column must be switched to Yes.
To add a new item, click Add Value. You will see the “Add a value” dialogue box (fig. 4) where you have to fill in all the fields.
Fig. 4. Add a value dialogue box
To save the changes, click Add. The new item will be added to your list of values (fig. 5):
Fig. 5. Measurement unit’s list of values
To edit a value, click
. To delete it, click
Click this button to save all changes. The created measurement unit will be added to the list.
Click this button to cancel creating the object element. The changes will not be saved.
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