Fact values of revenues/expenses are accounted as project documents (saved to the Financial Documents folder). When you create a fact value, a document (Project Revenue, Project Expense) is created. All the data, specified on the creation form of the fact revenue/expense are added to its page.
To add a fact value of revenues/expenses, click Add - Add Actual Revenue/Expense on the project budget page (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Project budget page. Add button
Fill in the required fields in the opened dialog box (fig. 2) and click Send.
Fig. 2. Dialog box for creating a fact revenue value
Budget Revenue/Expense – select an existing fact revenue/expense value. When you select one, the Revenue/Expense Item field will be filled in automatically. If you leave this field empty, a new fact value will be created (not included in any of the project phases).
Revenue/Expense Item – select a revenue/expense item from the Budget Revenue/Expense Itemobject. The list of items depends on the type of the created fact value (revenue/expense).
Subject *– subject of the created fact revenue/expense. This field is required.
Total *– fact sum of the revenue/expense. This field is required.
A dialog box with the list of fact values of this item will open (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. List of fact values
To open a document page, click on the subject of the required value in this dialog box (fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Page of the document with a fact revenue value
To edit the selected value, click Edit in the top menu. A form for editing a fact value will open. Make the required changes on this form and click Save.
Top menu buttons and tabs on the fact value page are similar to the ones of a standard document page.
Deleting a fact value of revenues/expenses
You cannot delete a fact value from the project budget, since it is a document. However, you can hide it in the budget, so that it will not affect it.
To do so, open the page of the required document and change its status from Active to Cancelled.
Note, that a cancelled fact value cannot be made Active again.