Gantt chart is a chart of the project tasks, according to the project plan. Gantt chart consists of segments, placed along the time axis. Each segment represents a task or a sub-task. Segment endpoints are start and end dates of the task and the segment length is the task duration.
You can view the Gantt chart on the:
Fig. 1. Project plan page. Gantt chart
Fig. 2. Resource optimizer page. Gantt chart
Gantt chart is separated from the project plan tasks list with a strip on the project plan page and resource optimizer (fig. 3). This strip allows changing the size of task list and Gantt chart and hiding/showing them.
Fig. 3. Project plan page. Separator
To change the size of the units, drag the strip left/right. Double click on the strip to hide (fig. 4) or show the project plan tasks. To show the hidden unit, click
(fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Project plan page. Separator
Double-click on the separator to hide or show the task block. Please note that these new settings will be applied to all the pages of the project where the Gantt Chart is used for the current user.
You can use the toolbar buttons when working with the Gantt chart (fig. 5). To learn more, see the respective Help section.
Fig. 5. Project plan page. Toolbar
Tasks on the Gantt chart are color differentiated:
A project task has a segment with blue borders. As the task is executed, the segment is gradually filled with blue according to the progress, and the completion percentage is also written in numbers (fig. 6);
Fig. 6. A project task in Gantt chart
A milestone is a yellow diamond shape;
A sub-project is a maroon segment which turns red when you open the project plan page. As the task is executed, the segment is filled with purple according to the progress (fig. 7);
Fig. 7. A sub-project in Gantt chart
A process start task is similar to a project task. The only difference is that a process start task has an oval or round shape, depending on its duration (fig. 8);
Fig. 8. A process start task in Gantt chart
A stage task is colored dark green. As the task is executed, the segment is gradually filled with light green according to the progress (fig. 9);
Fig. 9. A stage task in Gantt chart
All the Gantt chart elements are interactive. When you point on a task segment, you will see a tooltip containing information about the task: the subject, start date, completion date, and completion rate (not displayed for a milestone) (fig. 10);
When you click on a segment, the corresponding task is highlighted in the task list;
When you click on a segment that represents a stage task, all the nested tasks will be hidden both in the Gantt chart and in the list of project tasks. If you click on the segment once again, the nested tasks will be shown.
Editing project plan tasks in the Gantt chart
When working with the Gantt chart, you can change the start and due dates of a task both on the project plan page or on the time axis by dragging the borders of a corresponding segment.
Changing a segment's position on the time axis
Click on a segment, keep the mouse button pressed and drag the segment to the left or to the right along the time axis. The task start and due dates will change according to its new position on the axis. Please note that changing the dates of a stage task or a milestone in a similar manner is impossible.
Editing a segment's borders
To expand or reduce the length of a segment, place the mouse over it, then drag a border by one of the points (fig. 11).
Fig. 11. Changing a segment's length on Gantt chart
The start and due dates of the task will be changed according to the new position of its new position on the axis. Please note that changing the dates of a stage task or a milestone in a similar manner is impossible.
Editing completion percentage
To edit the progress bar inside a segment, click on the segment. You will see a slider on the border of the blue progress bar (fig. 11). Drag the border by the slider thus changing the length of the progress bar. The progress percentage will be changed accordingly. This feature is available only for project tasks.
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