Help ELMA Projects+

Projects Section

This section displays the current projects, to which the user has access. The Projects+ application allows you to monitor projects, plan resources and establish communication between project team members.
To open this section, click Projects on the system main page in the left menu. You can access this section only if you have the activated Projects+ application.
You can grant permissions to work with components of each project (e.g. budget, plan, risks, stages) to user roles. The permissions are assigned by the project administrator, manager or supervisor on the page of the required project, by clicking Actions – Access Permissions in the top menu.
Fig. 1 illustrates an example of the Projects section.
Fig. 1. Projects section. Project List subsection
The Projects section includes the following subsections:
Project Listmain portlet page of the application. Projects are grouped in filters. On this page, you can create a new project or go to the resource optimizer;
Milestones – page with information on all the milestones of the current projects, available to the user (fig. 2).
             Publication monitor - a page that shows all project plans that are currently being published. You can read more about it in this Help article.
Fig. 2. Projects section. Milestones subsections
Each subsection contains a filter tree. To learn more about filters in the Projects section, see the corresponding Help section.
When you create a project a public channel is automatically created. Only the project team members can send messages to this channel.

Top menu buttons

Click Add Project to open a dialog box for creating a new project.
Click Optimizer to open the resource optimizer page.
When you click , a drop down menu opens, which allows you to go to the resource optimizer page on all the projects.
Click to open a page with the monitor of the published project plans.

See also:
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