Advanced search allows filtering projects by certain parameters. Advanced search form in the Project List subsection (fig. 1) has different fields from the one in the Milestones subsection (fig. 2).
To open the advanced search form in the Project List subsection (fig. 1) open the All filter and click Advanced Search.
Fig. 1. Project List subsection. Advanced search form
To open the advanced search form in the Milestones subsection (fig. 2) open the All filter and click Advanced Search.
Fig. 2. Milestones subsection. Advanced search form
Filters in ELMA are saved sets of advanced search parameters.
Each subsection of the Projects section has a filter tree on the left panel (fig. 3), which displays filters, created in this subsection. When you click on one of the filters, the page displays the search results.
The filter tree displays those filters, the user has access to.
Fig. 3. Milestones subsection. Filter tree
The standard filter tree of the Project List subsection has the following structure:
All – cancel all filters. When you select this filter, the page will display all the projects, available to the user.
Shared Filters – folder with filters, available to all the project team members. Users, with respective permissions can add filters to this folder. The permissions are assigned by the system administrator in Administration – Projects+ – Access Permissions to the Projects+ Module – Edit the Shared Filters tree.
Current Projects – when you select this filter, the page displays all the current projects, available to the user. Overdue projects are red;
Project Drafts – when you select this filter, the page displays all the draft projects, available to the user;
Project Archive– when you select this filter, the page displays all the finished projects, available to the user;
By default, the Milestones subsection contains only the All filter.
If necessary, users can create new filters in the Project List and Milestones subsections.
You can structure the filter tree and put filters into folders.