In some sections of ELMA you can select users (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Form for selecting users
There are three ways to select users.
1. Enter a part of the user name in the field for selecting a user. The drop-down list will show all the found matches. Select the required user from the list. This method allows selecting one user at a time.
2. Click
in the field for selecting users, and select the required user from the drop-down list. Note, that when selecting users in an advanced search form, the locked users are shown in a separate group (fig. 2)
Fig. 2. Selecting users. Blocked Users group
The users will be listed in alphabetical order.
3. Click
to the right of the form for selecting users. A window for selecting users will open (fig. 2), which includes the quick search feature. Select the required user from the list or use the search form. This method allows selecting several users.
Selected users will be displayed below the form. When you click a user name, a window with information opens.
4. You can also find a user by using a URL that looks as follows: http://<server_address>/Security/User/Profile/<user_id>, where user_id is the number shown in the address bar when the user's profile is opened.
Window for selecting users
The window for selecting users is shown in fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Window for selecting users
The window for selecting users features the search field, the field for selecting a department or position, the Search regardless of subordinate organizational structure elements option, and the Available Elements and Selected Elements units.
By default, the Available Elements unit displays all the system users. You can filter the list in the Available Elements unit, by selecting departments and positions or by typing in the search string.
The Selected Elements unit displays the selected users.
To select several consequent users, click on the first user you want to select, press and hold Shift and click on the last user.
To select several users from the list, hold Ctrl and click on the required users.
You can move users from one unit to another by dragging them or double clicking. To delete a user from the Selected Elements unit, click
or double click on the user.
Enter a part of the user name and click Search or press Enter on your keyboard. The Available Elements unit will display all the found matches. Move the required user to Selected Elements.
For the Available Elements unit to show all the users, clear the quick search string (fig. 3) and click Search or press Enter on your keyboard.
Searching users by department or job position
The form for selecting a department or a job position is shown in fig. 4.
This form allows performing several actions.
1. When you click
, you can select a department or a job position from the drop-down list (fig. 4). The list of departments and job position is displayed according to the configured organizational structure. This method is convenient if there are not many organizational structure elements.
Fig. 4. Form for selecting a department or a job position
2. When you click
, a window opens featuring the organizational structure hierarchy and the quick search field (fig. 5). This method is convenient if the organizational structure is large.
Fig. 5. Window for selecting a department or a job position
The organizational structure tree is by default collapsed. Working with its elements is similar to working with organizational structure elements in the window for selecting objects when assigning permissions. The only difference is that here selecting multiple elements is not available.
After selecting an element from the tree (fig. 5), click Select and then click Search in the user selection window (fig.3). The Available Elements unit will show the users that fully match the selected departments or positions. Below you will see the employees listed according to the company organizational structure. To select multiple users who fully match the selected departments or positions, press Shift/Ctrl on your keyboard.
When selecting users, you can check the Search regardless of subordinate organizational structure elements. In this case, the system will show you only users with selected positions without their subordinate employees.
Move the selected users to the Selected Elements unit. If you want to select all the found users, slick Select all.
If you want the Available Elements unit to show all users, clear the form for selecting department or position by clicking
or select an empty string in the drop-down list (fig. 4). Then click Search or press Enter on your keyboard.
After you have selected all the required users, click Select (fig. 3). The selected users will be displayed on the form (fig. 6). To view information on a user, click on his or her name.
Fig. 6. Form for selecting users
By clicking on the cross icon next to a user you can remove the user from the list or clear the entire list of selected users. When you click on this button, a dialog box opens (fig. 7), where you need to select a further action:
Yes - remove the selected item;
Delete All - clear the list of selected users
No - cancel and return to selecting users
Fig. 7. Warning dialog box
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