This page displays the process tree. Select a process. Assign necessary permissions on the opened page (fig. 2).
- click this button to add users, who will have access to these processes.
- click this button to delete a user from the list.
Fig. 2. Permissions for "Equipment Request".
My Processes - in this section you can define the list of the process participants. Users added to this section will see this process and all its instances in Web Application, My processes section.
Process Monitoring - users added to this section will see this process and all its instances in Web Application, Process monitor section.
Participant List Management - users added to this section will see the "Participants" tab on the process instance page (fig. 3). They can add users, who will have access to this process instance with the Add button.
Task List - users added to this section will see the Active Tasks, Operations and Sub-Processes tab on the process instance page (fig. 4), which contains all the currently active instance tasks. These users can see the entire list of active tasks. However, they can open and view only those tasks, they have access to. By default, the tasks author and executor have access to these tasks, as well as their superiors.
Users, added to this section, can view the process map. They can do it with the Process Map button on the process instance page and on the process task pages.
Fig. 4. "Active Tasks, Operations and Sub-Processes" tab and "Process Map" button.
Edit Process Context - users added to this section can edit the process information in Web Application. They can do it with the Edit button on the process instance page. Clicking this button will open the page with the process context variables, which can be edited.
Reassign Tasks - users added to this section can reassign the process tasks even if reassignment of the task is forbidden in ELMA Designer. When these users open a process task, the toolbar contains the Actions - Assign button. If reassigning tasks is allowed, then by default it is available for the executor, executor’s superior and all users specified in this section.
Changing process version – users who have this permission, will be able to change the version of active process instances.