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Access to Business Processes

In Administration - Business Processes - Access Permissions for the "Business Processes" Module you can assign the following access permissions:
(You can also find this permissions unit in Administration - Users - Access Settings - Global Access Settings - Processes - Access Permissions for the "Business Processes" Module)
Access to different ELMA objects and features is granted to user groups.
To grant access permissions:
Fig. 1. Administration - Access Settings - Global Settings - Processes.
Administrative permissions for the "Business Processes" module - access to Administration - Business Processes - Processes, where you can assign permissions to business processes.
Access to the Business Processes module - start and use processes in ELMA Web Application:
Access to the Documentation section - access to Documentation - My Processes, which contains the documentation of the processes, in which the current user is the owner or supervisor.
Access to the Process Monitor section - display the Process monitor, intended for analysing execution of processes.
Access to the "Full Process Monitor" section - display the Full process monitor. This section is intended for analysing processes.
Access to the "Improvements" section - access to Business process improvement sections.
Monitor all business process improvements - access to Improvements - All processes. It contains the processes tree, which displays the processes, available to the current user. You can select a process and see its improvement.
Completion check of business process improvements - access to Improvements - Processes. It displays the processes, which have available improvements.
Configure the "My Processes" section - edit the filter tree in My processes.
Configure the "Process Monitor" section - edit the filter tree in Process monitor.
Configure the "Improvements" section - edit the filter tree in Business process improvements.
Full access to the "Documentation" section - access to Documentation - My processes and to Documentation - All the documents, which displays the full processes tree and you can view documents on all the system processes.
Allow to start improvement processes - Improve button on the process task pages and Business process improvements section.
Allow to manage the execution queue – access to the Processes – Execution Queue section. This section allows monitoring the processes, which are currently handled by the process execution service, and the execution errors.
Export processes – permission to export the list of processes to Excel. The users who has this permission will be able to use the Excel export button on the table settings panel in the My Processes section, when viewing a list of processes with a filter.

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