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Starting ELMA Designer

Only users with respective access permissions can launch ELMA Designer. The access permissions are managed by the administrator in Administration - Users - Access Settings - Global Access Settings - ELMA Designer - Access to ELMA Designer. For more information on access permissions read the respective Help page.
You can start ELMA Designer for the first time only after the system is activated in Web Application. When ELMA Designer is started for the first time, the activation window appears (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Product registration window
To start ELMA Designer, you need to get the activation key from the sales rep, enter it in the provided Activation key field and click Activate.
You cannot work in ELMA Designer if it is not activated. For more information on the first system start, see the respective Help section.
There are several ways to start ELMA Designer:
The window that opens contains the list of all system configurations, the "Add Configuration" button, and the Proxy Server Settings button.
Fig. 2. ELMA Designer start window
To add a new configuration, click Add Configuration. A window will open, where you can add a new configuration to work in ELMA Designer.
To launch ELMA Designer, select the desired configuration by double-clicking on it (Fig. 2).
Once you have selected the configuration, the starting window will show the authentication form (Fig. 3). Enter your ELMA username and password and click Sign in. If you click To the list of configurations, a window will open listing all the system configurations.
Fig. 3. ELMA Designer. Sign in window.
You can delete or edit the selected configuration.
To edit a configuration, click the button located to the right of the configuration name. A window will open, similar to the window where you create configurations. Make the required changes and click OK.
To delete a configuration, click the button located to the right of the configuration name. In the opened dialogue box, confirm deleting.
Only users with respective access permissions can sign in to ELMA Designer. If a user, who does not have these access permissions, tries to sign in, an error notification will appear (Fig. 4), and ELMA Designer will not launch.
Fig. 4. ELMA Designer. Error notification.

Proxy server settings

When you click on the  button in the ELMA start window (fig. 2), a dialog box for configuring a proxy server opens (fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Proxy Server Settings window
Do not use – do not use a proxy server.
Use default proxy settings (Internet Explorer) – use system proxy server settings for the Internet Explorer web browser.
Configure manually – configure the proxy server manually. If you select this type, the proxy server settings fields will appear (fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Proxy server settings
Address* – proxy server address.
Port* – port for connecting to the proxy server.
User – user name for the configured proxy server.
Password – user password for the configured proxy server.
Use the exception addresses – if you check this box, the proxy server will not be used when connecting to the addresses specified in the Exception addresses field.
Exception addresses – addresses of the web servers, for which the proxy server will not be used. This field is available if the Use the exception addresses box is checked.
Use the 100-Continue behavior – when this checkbox is selected, when connecting to the server, the Expect: 100-continue specification will be used. This parameter is used for non-standard settings of the proxy server.
After filling in all the required fields, click OK.

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