Help ELMA BPM Platform

Common Tab

An example of the Common tab is in fig. 1.
Fig. 1. User object page. "Common" tab
Displayed Name * – object name, displayed in the object list in ELMA Designer, and in Web Application. This field is required.
Group * group, the object is included in. Click to open the dialog box for creating a new object group. Click to clear the Parent group * field. Click to open the drop down list with all the object groups. This field is required.
Description – object description.

"Data Structure" unit

Class Name * – unique name of the class, displayed in the object list in ELMA Designer. It is filled in automatically, when you create an object and fill in its Displayed Name *. You can enter the class name manually, if necessary. This field is required.
Table in Database * – name of the table in the system database, which will store instances of the objects of this type. The table name is filled in automatically, when you create an object and fill in its Displayed Name *. You can enter the table name manually, if necessary. This field is required.
Namespace * namespace, the object belongs to. You cannot change this field for system objects, user objects that have been saved and published (at least ones), and if you restarted the server after publishing. By default, all the user objects refer to the Configuration name space, but you can select another one in the drop down list. To learn more about name spaces, see the respective Help section.
You can change the Class Name * , Table in Database * and Namespace * fields only for user objects before the first server restart.

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