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Edit User Information

To edit a user information, go to the user profile and click Edit.
Fig.1. "Edit" button
After that, you can edit the user information on the Profile, Contacts and Personal Information tabs; you can configure the user's email notification settings on the Notification Settings tab. You can configure task settings for the user on the Tasks tab.
After you have made changes, click Save.
Fig. 2. Editing a user profile


This tab contains user's task settings.
Fig. 3. "Tasks" tab
Action after Executing Process Task defines the action, which takes place after a business process task is completed.
Do not Leave Task Page – this option means, that the user will not be redirected from the task page.
Go to Process – this option means, that the user will be redirected to the process instance page.
Go to Task List – this option means, that the user will be redirected to the current tasks page.
Go to Main Page – this option means, that the user will be redirected to the ELMA main page.
Use System Settings
Yes – this option means, that the system settings of tasks control will be used.
No – this option means, that the system settings of tasks control will not be used – in this case, the user's settings will be used when creating a task.
Place a task under control upon creation – the selected setting will be displayed by default in the Control field when creating a task (fig. 4). It allows to automatically place a task under control.
Fig. 4. Placing a task under control
Default control type – select the task control type to be the default type in the Control type field (fig. 4) when creating a task.

See also:
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