
Top Menu of Records Classification Scheme

Top menus of an unpublished and published records classification scheme are different.

Top menu of an unpublished records classification scheme

Fig. 1. Top menu of an unpublished records classification scheme
The top menu includes the following buttons:
Add a section to the selected registration office.
Add a category to the selected section.
Add a link to a category to the selected section.
Configure automatic publication of the records classification scheme. This button is displayed only if the company's records classification scheme is created for one year.
If the records classification scheme is created for one year, tabs with years will be displayed (fig. 2). Each tab displays the records classification scheme for the respective year. The active tab is yellow.
Fig. 2. Tabs with records classification schemes by year
When you mouse over a registration office or a section, a menu appears (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Actions menu
The actions menu includes the following buttons:
When you mouse over a category, a menu appears (fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Actions menu
The actions menu includes the following buttons:

Top menu of a published records classification scheme

Fig. 5. Top menu of a published records classification scheme
Top menu of a published records classification scheme includes the following buttons:
Configure automatic publishing of the records classification scheme. This button is displayed only if the records classification scheme is created for one year.

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