PublicAPI.Projects.ProjectTaskELMA API Documentation
Project Task
Access path: PublicAPI.Projects.ProjectTask

Public methodAddComment(ProjectTask, CommentActionModel)
Add a comment to the task
Public methodAddComment(ProjectTask, String)
Add a comment to the task
Public methodAddComment(ProjectTask, String, User)
Public methodAddComment(ProjectTask, String, IEnumerable Attachment )
Add a comment to the task
Public methodAddQuestion(ProjectTask, Question)
Ask a question on a project task
Public methodAddQuestion(ProjectTask, User, String, Boolean)
Ask a question to a project task
Public methodAddQuestion(ProjectTask, User, String, Boolean, IEnumerable Attachment )
Ask a question to a project task
Public methodCompleteTask(ProjectTask, Boolean)
Complete the task
Public methodCompleteTask(ProjectTask, CommentActionModel, Boolean)
Complete the task
Public methodCompleteTask(ProjectTask, String, Boolean)
Complete the task
Public methodCount 
Returns the total number of objects of this type
Public methodCount(IEntityFilter)
Get Total Number of Objects by Filter
Public methodCreate
Create a project task
Public methodCreateMilestoneObsolete.
Create a milestone. Creates an object, without saving in the database
Public methodCreateNormalTaskObsolete.
Create a task, included in the plan. Creates an object, without saving in the database
Public methodCreateSubTask(ProjectTask, String, User, DateTime, DateTime)Obsolete.
Create a subtask for the project task. Creates an object, without saving in the database
Public methodCreateSubTask(ProjectTask, String, User, DateTime, DateTime, Boolean)Obsolete.
Create a subtask for the project task. Creates an object, without saving in the database
Public methodCreateTask(Project, String, User, DateTime, DateTime)Obsolete.
Create a project task. Creates an object, without saving in the database
Public methodCreateTask(Project, String, User, DateTime, DateTime, Boolean)Obsolete.
Create a project task. Creates an object, without saving in the database
Public methodDelete
Relinks children of this task to its parent, invoked before deleting the task
Public methodFilter
Creates an assistant for working with the "(Project) Task" object filter
Public methodFind(FetchOptions)
Find objects according to fetch options
Public methodFind(String)
Find objects according to the filter in the EQL language
Public methodFind(IEntityFilter, FetchOptions)
Fing objects according to fetch options and filter
Public methodFindByIdArray
Find All Objects by Array IDs
Public methodIsDirty
Check, if there are unsaved changes in the object
Public methodIsNew
Check, if the object is new (not saved in the database)
Public methodLoad(Guid)
Load by UID. If not found, an exception is invoked
Public methodLoad(Int64)
Load task.
Public methodLoadOrCreate(Guid)
Load by ID. If not found, the new object is returned
Public methodLoadOrCreate(Int64)
Load by ID. If not found, the new object is returned
Public methodLoadOrNull(Guid)
Load by UID. If not found, null is returned
Public methodLoadOrNull(Int64)
Load task, if it exists.
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User)
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, Comment)
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, String)
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, Comment)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, DateTime)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, String)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, TaskPriority, String)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, DateTime, Comment)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, DateTime, TaskPriority)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, DateTime, String)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, DateTime, TaskPriority, Comment)
Reassign task
Public methodReAssign(Int64, User, DateTime, DateTime, TaskPriority, String)
Reassign task
Public methodRefresh
Refresh (read over) Object from Database
Public methodSave
Save entity to database
Public methodSetFactWorkLog(Int64, Int64)
Set fact time report in minutes
Public methodSetFactWorkLog(Int64, Int64, DateTime)
Set fact time report in minutes
Public methodSetFactWorkLog(Int64, Int64, String)
Set fact time report in minutes
Public methodSetFactWorkLog(Int64, Int64, DateTime, String)
Set fact time report in minutes
Public methodSetFactWorkLogDays(Int64, Int64)
Set fact time report, in days
Public methodSetFactWorkLogDays(Int64, Int64, DateTime)
Set fact time report, in days
Public methodSetFactWorkLogDays(Int64, Int64, String)
Set fact time report, in days
Public methodSetFactWorkLogDays(Int64, Int64, DateTime, String)
Set fact time report, in days
Public methodSetFactWorkLogHours(Int64, Int64)
Set fact time report in hours
Public methodSetFactWorkLogHours(Int64, Int64, DateTime)
Set fact time report in hours
Public methodSetFactWorkLogHours(Int64, Int64, String)
Set fact time report in hours
Public methodSetFactWorkLogHours(Int64, Int64, DateTime, String)
Set fact time report in hours
Public methodSetTaskCompletePercent
Set the task completion rate
Public methodSetTaskEndDate
Change the task end date
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Public propertyTypeUid
Returns the unique object identifier "(Project) Task"
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Section containing methods for managing project tasks
See Also