Help ELMA BPM Platform

Page Types

Main Pages

Main page is the start page of ELMA Web Application. It is displayed after you have signed in or when you click the main menu icon. Main pages are displayed in the set of main pages in the top right corner of the page (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. A main page
You can configure and create system main pages in Administration – Portal Settings – Pages.

Portlet Pages

Portlet pages are used for specific tasks. A portlet page consists of portlets with the necessary information (fig. 2). These pages are not displayed in the set of main pages. To access them, create the respective menu item in the main or the left menu.
Fig. 2. A portlet page
You can configure and create system main pages in Administration – Portal Settings – Pages.

Text Pages

Text pages are portlet pages, which by default contain an HTML portlet. Text pages are used for quick access to the required information. Text pages can contain links to the system pages and objects and to external resources.
Fig. 3. A text page
You can configure and create system main pages in Administration – Portal Settings – Pages.

Role Pages

Role pages are dynamic pages, which display different information for different users. For example, an Indicators role page will be displayed differently, depending on the current user. Fig. 4,5,6 illustrate the Indicators page for different users.
Fig. 4. "Indicators" page for an accountant
Fig. 5. "Indicators" page for a senior executive
Fig. 6. "Indicators" page for all the users
You can configure and create system main pages in Administration – Portal Settings – Pages.
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