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Document Settings

In the Document Settings you can configure display settings of the document lists in tables and ELMA Agent settings.
Fig. 1. Document Settings.
To edit the unit parameters, click the button, to the right of the unit header.
Fig. 2. Parameters editing window of the "Document Settings" unit.
Action of the "ELMA Agent" button - action, executed when you click the ELMA Agent button on a document page:
Lock and change – lock the current document version and edit it on the user's computer via ELMA Agent;
Lock and create – lock the selected version and create a new one based on the selected version;
Add Version - create a new document version on the user's PC via ELMA Agent.
Edit - edit the current document version on the user's PC via ELMA Agent.
Store the settings of the document display table for each folder:
Yes - when you configure the documents table display in one folder, the documents display tables remain unchanged in all the other folders.
No - when you configure the documents table display in one folder, the document display tables change according to the new settings in all the other folders.
Synchronized permissions when creating links with documents:
Yes - enable permission synchronization, i.e. associate permissions for documents when adding links between them.
No - when you add links between documents, permissions for them will not be associated. This is the default setting.

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