
KPI Section

 ELMA KPI is mean for automation of KPI control in a company. Here you can align the company´s strategy with with the activity of each employee, and control the activities and performance of employees.
There are several ways to open this section:
This section is available only if you have the ELMA KPI module installed.
Only users with respective access permissions can work in the KPI application. The access permissions are set up by the system administrator in Administration – Application Access Settings – Global Access Settings – KPI Management and/or Administration – KPI – Access Permissions for the "KPI" Module .
Fig. 1 shows how the main page of the KPI section can look like.
Fig. 1. Main page of the KPI section
The KP section includes:
The components features in the KPI section can differ depending on the user's access permissions. The access permissions are managed by the system administrator in Administration – Application Access Settings – Global Access Settings – KPI Management and/or Administration – KPI – Access Permissions for the "KPI" Module ..


The data on the pages of the KPI section is shown over a certain period (day, week, month, quarter, 6 months, a year). This period is specified in the upper right corner of the page and can be modified (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. KPI section. Current period.
If the current date is within the period, it is written in black. Other periods are written in red  (fig. 3). On the right-hand side of the date you can see the  icon. Click on it to go to the current date.
Fig. 3. KPI section. Month following the current date
The display mode of the period depends on the settings managed by the system administrator in  Administration – System Settings – General Settings of the KPI Module.
To switch between periods click   or .
If you have selected a month as display mode, then you will switch between months. If you have selected a day as display mode, you will switch between days. 

Period settings

To configure the period over which you want to show the data on KPIs, click on the name of the period in the top right corner of any page in the KPI section. In the window that opens (fig. 4) select the required period and click  Select After that, all the pages will display data over this selected period.
Fig. 4. Dialogue box for selecting a required period

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