
Editing KPIs

On the All KPIs you can not only view all the KPIs that exist in the system but also edit the plan and fact values of either KPI over a selected period.
The access for editing is managed by the system administrator in Administration – KPI – Access Permissions for the KPI Module – Full access to the KPI module.
Fig. 1. All KPIs

Introduction and modification of values

If the KPIs are collected manually, then users with respective access permissions can introduce their values manually.

Introduction of values

If a value has not been introduced, the Plan and/or Fact columns show the icon. When you click on it, a dialogue box opens for you to enter the value (fig. 2). In this box you can select the required period and add a comment or/and a file (fig.2).
Fig. 2. Enter plan value window
The dialogue box has the following fields:
Periodicity – periodicity of plan/fact value input (be default, once a month). This field cannot be modified.
Period – the period over which the data is introduced. To select the period, click , and select the required period in the opened dialogue box (fig. 3). Then click Select.
Fig. 3. Select period window
Plan, [measurement unit]* – plan/fact value of the KPI. This is a required field.
Comment – you can add a comment to the KPI;
File – you can attach a file from you PC to the value of the KPI (for example, a file that explains the KPI value).
To save the changes, click Save. Then plan and fact value of the KPI will be updated on the All KPIs page.

Modifying the KPI values

That values that are available for editing are written in blue. Those that cannot be edited (for example, they are calculated by a script) are written in black. 
To modify a value, click on it (in the Plan or Fact column). You will see a  window similar to the window that opens for adding a value (fig. 2).
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